Virtual Visual Hulls: Example-Based 3D Shape Inference from Silhouettes


Kristen Grauman, Gregory Shakhnarovich, and Trevor Darrell




We present a method for estimating the 3D visual hull of an object from a known class given a single silhouette or sequence of silhouettes observed from an unknown viewpoint.  A non-parametric density model of object shape is learned for the given object class by collecting multi-view silhouette examples from calibrated, though possibly varied, camera rigs.  To infer a 3D shape from a single input silhouette, we search for 3D shapes which maximize the posterior given the observed contour.  The input is matched to component single views of the multi-view training examples.  A set of viewpoint-aligned virtual views are generated from the visual hulls corresponding to these examples.  The most likely visual hull for the input is then found by interpolating between the contours of these aligned views. When the underlying shape is ambiguous given a single view silhouette, we produce multiple visual hull hypotheses; if a sequence of input images is available, a dynamic programming approach is applied to find the maximum likelihood path through the feasible hypotheses over time. We show results of our algorithm on real and synthetic images of people.

Paper describing this work:  pdf   SpringerLink


Estimating the 3D shape of an object is an important vision and graphics problem, with numerous applications in areas such as virtual reality, image-based rendering, or view-invariant recognition.  However, current techniques are still expensive or restrictive.  Active sensing techniques can build accurate models quickly, but require scanning a physical object.  Structure from motion (SFM) or from multiple views is non-invasive, but requires a set of comprehensive views of an object.  Most such algorithms rely on establishing point or line correspondences between images and frames, yet smooth surfaces without a prominent texture and wide-baseline cameras make correspondences difficult and unreliable to determine. Moreover, in the case of Shape-From-Silhouettes, the occluding contours of the object are the only feature available to register the images.  Current techniques for 3D reconstruction from silhouettes with an uncalibrated camera are constrained to the cases where the camera motion is of a known type (e.g., circular, curvilinear, or close to linear.)

In this work we show that for shapes representing a particular object class, visual hulls can be inferred from a single silhouette or sequence of silhouettes.  Object class knowledge provides additional information about the object's structure and the covariate behavior of its multiple views.  We develop a probabilistic method for estimating the visual hull (VH) of an object of a known class given only a single silhouette observed from an unknown viewpoint, with the object at an unknown orientation (and unknown articulated pose, in the case of non-rigid objects).  We also develop a dynamic programming method for the case when sequential data is available, so that some of the ambiguities inherent in silhouettes may be eliminated by incorporating information revealed by how the object (or camera) moves.

We develop a non-parametric density model of the 3D shape of an object class based on many multi-view silhouette examples.  The camera parameters corresponding to each multi-view training instance are known, but they are possibly different across instances.  To infer a single novel silhouette's VH, we search for 3D shapes with maximal posterior probability given the observed contour.  We use a nearest neighbor-based similarity search: examples which best match the contour in a single view are found in the database, and then the shape space around those examples is searched for the most likely underlying shape.  Similarity between contours is measured with the Hausdorff distance.  An efficient parallel implementation allows us to search 140,000 examples in a modest time.

To enable the search in a local neighborhood of examples, we introduce a new virtual view paradigm for interpolating between neighboring VH examples.  Examples are re-rendered using a canonical set of virtual cameras; interpolation between 3D shapes is then a linear combination in this multi-view contour space. This technique allows combinations of VHs for which the source cameras vary in number and calibration parameters.  The process is repeated to find multiple peaks in the posterior when the shape interpretation is ambiguous.

Our approach enables 3D surface approximation for a given object class with only a single silhouette view and requires no knowledge about either the object's orientation (or articulation), or the camera position.  Our method can use sequential data to resolve ambiguities, or alternatively it can simply return a set of confidence-rated hypotheses (multiple peaks of the posterior) for a single frame.  We base our non-parametric shape density model on the concise 3D descriptions that VHs provide: we can match the multi-view model in one viewpoint and then generate on demand the necessary virtual silhouette views from the training example's VH. Our method's ability to use multi-view examples from different camera rigs allows training data to be collected in a variety of real and synthetic environments.

Below are some example results.

Example result on real sequential data. Top row shows input sequence, middle
row shows extracted silhouettes, and bottom row (output) shows VH hypotheses lying
on the ML path, rendered here from a side view of the person in order to display the
3D quality of the estimate.


An example of four virtual visual hull hypotheses found by our system for a single input silhouette (top). Each row corresponds to a different hypothesis; three different viewpoints are rendered for each hypothesis. Stick figures beside each row give that VH’s underlying 3D pose, retrieved by interpolating the poses of the examples which built the VHs.

Paper on this work: pdf



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