CS 394P: Automatic Programming

Automatic programming is the generation of programs by computer, usually based on specifications that are higher-level and easier for humans to specify than ordinary programming languages.

Automatic programming might be summarized as "Artificial Intelligence meets Compilers:"

This course covers technical topics that support research in automatic programming and surveys the major research approaches in this area.

The course consists of lectures for the first two-thirds of the semester. Homework problems and programming assignments illustrate the lecture material. The programs are not long; the intent is to gain some exposure to several kinds of programming systems. The latter part of the semester covers readings in the research literature; students are expected to present one or two papers to the class. Many of the world's best researchers in automatic programming are in Austin: Jim Browne, Don Batory, Elaine Kant, Ira Baxter, Ted Biggerstaff; they will be invited to present guest lectures to describe their work.


Lecture notes by Contents or Index


FTP directory for Program Files.

Schedule of Papers and Guest Lectures


Notes on Lisp


Notes on Papers:

Links to Research, Companies, Conferences:

Gordon S. Novak Jr.