06/29/2022 - The ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2010 research paper “Network Traffic Characteristics of Data Centers in the Wild”, written by UT Computer Science Professor Aditya Akella, along with collaborators Theophilus Benson and David A. Read more
06/20/2022 - Writte by Marc G Airhart | CNS News Read more
05/24/2022 - As chips become larger and more complex, their routing algorithms must also be improved and optimized to face the challenge. Recent UT Computer Science PhD graduate Michael Jiayuan He’s research in computer chip design has made a notable step forward towards more efficient and successful chip design in the academic arena. Read more
05/09/2022 - This semester UT Computer Science welcomed Amy Pavel as a new assistant professor. Pavel's work sits at the intersection of accessibility and computer science. Her research at UT Austin expands on these themes by exploring how people with disabilities as well as those with different situations and preferences interact with emerging forms of media such as virtual reality and augmented reality.  Read more
03/23/2022 - Isil Dillig is an associate professor of computer science who works to improve the security and reliability of software systems and automatically generate programs from high-level specifications. She received a Sloan Research Fellowship and an NSF CAREER award.  Could you describe your main research interests?  Read more
03/07/2022 - When people think of content moderation, they usually imagine some kind of AI program that automatically monitors social media posts to delete inappropriate content. Though some content moderation is indeed performed by AI, a huge part of it is still done manually by people because moderation remains too difficult and nuanced for AI to perform well. In fact, over 100,000 content moderators work globally today to keep the internet safe for the rest of us.  Read more
02/23/2022 - An artificial intelligence system made history recently by beating a human world champion in Sony's popular video racing game, Gran Turismo Sport. The technological feat, which made the cover of the journal Nature, involved an AI system designed in part by three University of Texas at Austin computer science Ph.D. alumni and professor Peter Stone. Read more
02/10/2022 - In his recent paper, “Faster Coherent Quantum Algorithms for Faster Phase, Energy, and Amplitude Estimation”, UTCS PhD graduate Patrick Rall puts forth novel quantum algorithms for estimating important fundamental qualities of our complex world. Patrick’s approach simplifies the necessary computations compared to the current standard method. Estimation of these properties has applications in condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry as well as machine learning and finance.  Read more
01/20/2022 - The Association for Computing Machinery, the primary professional organization in the field of computer science, has named Brent Waters as an ACM Fellow. The award goes only to highly distinguished computer scientists representing the top 1% of ACM members.  Read more
11/17/2021 - Any fan of jazz music can attest to the beauty of musical improvisation. However, many famous improvisational piano pieces aren't recorded in sheet music. “There's a lot of music that exists in the world that doesn't have musical transcriptions because it was played improvisationally—virtuosos that never decided to write anything down,” explained Varun Rajaram. This is because transcribing the notes of a piece (especially polyphonic pieces where multiple notes play at a time) is a difficult task even for skilled musicians. Read more


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