*) Author's address: | BURROUGHS |
Plataanstraat 5 | |
NUENEN – 4565 | |
The Netherlands. |
1. Introduction.
In section 2, two statements, an alternative construct and a repetitive construct will be introduced, together with an intuitive (mechanistic) definition of their semantics. The basic building block for both of them is the so-called "guarded command", a statement list prefixed by a boolean expression: only when this boolean expression is initially true, is the statement list eligible for execution. The potential non-determinacy allows us to map otherwise (trivially) different programs on the same program text, a circumstance that seems largely responsible for the fact that now programs can be derived in a more systematic manner than before.
In section 3, after a prelude defining the notation, a formal definition of the semantics of the two constructs will be given, together with two theorems for each of the constructs (without proof).
In section 4, it will be shown how upon the above a formal calculus
for the derivation of programs can be founded. We would like to stress
that we do not present "an algorithm" for the derivation of programs: we
have used the term "a calculus" for a formal discipline --a set of rules--
such that, if applied successfully
1 ) it will have derived a correct program
2) it will tell us that we have reached such a goal.
(In choosing the term "calculus" we have been inspired by the "integral
calculus" and the "propositional calculus" where we have a very similar situation.)
2. Two statements made from guarded commands.
If the reader accepts "other statements" as indicating, say, assignment statements and procedure calls. we can give the relevant syntax in BNF [2]. In the following we have extended BNF with the convention that the braces "{...}" should be read as: "followed by zero or more instances of the enclosed".
〈 guarded command〉 ::= 〈 guard〉 → 〈 guarded list〉
〈 guard〉 ::= 〈 boolean expression〉
〈 guarded list〉 ::= 〈 statement〉 {; 〈 statement 〉}
〈 guarded command set〉 ::= 〈 guarded command〉 {▯ 〈 guarded command 〉}
〈 alternative construct〉 ::= if 〈 guarded command set〉 fi
〈 repetitive construct 〉 ::= do 〈 guarded command set〉 od
〈 statement〉 ::= 〈 alternative construct〉 ∣ 〈 repetitive construct〉∣
"other statements" .
The semicolons in the guarded list have the usual meaning: when the guarded list is selected for execution its statements will be executed successively in the order from left to right; a guarded list will only be selected for execution in a state such that its guard is true. Note that a guarded command by itself is not a statement: it is component of a guarded command set from which statements can be constructed. If the guarded command set consists of more than one guarded command, they are mutually separated by the separator "▯" ; our text is then an arbitrarily ordered enumeration of an unordered set. i.e. the order in which the guarded commands of a set appear in our text is semantically irrelevant.
Our syntax gives two ways for constructing a statement out of a
guarded command set. The alternative construct is written by enclosing
it by the special bracket pair: "if ... fi
". If in the initial state none
of the guards is true, the program will abort, otherwise an arbitrary
guarded list with a true guard will be selected for execution.
Note. If the empty guarded command set were allowed "if fi
" would be semantically equivalent to "abort
" . (End of note.)
An example illustrating the non-determinacy in a very modest fashion would be the program that for fixed x
and y
assigns to m
the maximum value of x
and y
if x ≥ y → m:= x
▯ y ≤ x → m:= y
The repetitive construct is written down by enclosing a guarded
command set by the special bracket pair "do ... od
" . Here a state in which none of the guards is true will not lead to abortion but to proper termination; the complementary rule, however, is that it will only terminate in a state in which none of the guards is true: when initially or upon completed execution of a selected guarded list one or more guards are true, a new selection for execution of a guarded list with a true guard will take place. and so on. When the repetitive construct has terminated properly, we know that all its guards are false.
" would be semantically equivalent to "skip
" . (End of note.)An example showing the non-determinacy in somewhat greater glory is the program that assigns to the variables q1
, q2
, q3
and q4
a permutation of the values Q1
, Q2
, Q3
and Q4
, such that q1 ≤ q2 ≤ q3 ≤ q4
. Using concurrent assignment statements for the sake of convenience, we can program
q1, q2, q3, q4 := Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4;
do q1 > q2 → q1, q2 := q2, q1
q2 > q3 → q2, q3 := q3, q2
q3 > q4 → q3, q4 := q4, q3
od .
To conclude this section we give a program where not only the computation but also the final state is not necessarily uniquely determined. The program should determine k
such that for fixed value n (n > 0)
and a fixed function f(i)
defined for 0 ≤ i < n
, k
will eventually satisfy:
0 ≤ k < n and (∀i: 0 ≤ i < n: f(k) ≥ f(i))
should be the place of a maximum.)k:=0; j:=1;
do j ≠ n → if f(j) ≤ f(k) → j:= j + 1
▯ f(j) ≥ f(k)k:= j; j:= j + 1
Only permissible final states are possible and each permissible final state is possible.
3. Formal definition of the semantics.
3.1. Notational prelude.
In the following sections we shall use the symbols P
, Q
and R
to denote (predicates defining) boolean functions defined on all points of the state space; alternatively we shall refer to them as "conditions", satisfied by all states for which the boolean function is true. Two special predicates that we denote by the reserved names "T
" and "F
" play a special role: T
denotes the condition that, by definition, is satisfied by all states, F
denotes, by definition, the condition that is satisfied by no state at all.
The way in which we use predicates (as a tool for defining sets of initial or final states) for the definition of the semantics of programming language constructs has been directly inspired by Hoare [1], the main difference being that we have tightened things up a bit: while Hoare introduces sufficient pre-conditions such that the mechanisms will not produce the wrong result (but may fail to terminate). we shall introduce necessary and sufficient i.e. so-called "weakest" pre-conditions such that the mechanisms are guaranteed to produce the right result.
More specifically: we shall use the notation "wp(S, R)
" , where S
denotes a statement list and R
some condition on the state of the system, to denote the weakest pre-condition for the initial state of the system such that activation of S
is guaranteed to lead to a properly terminating activity leaving the system in a final state satisfying the post-condition R
. Such a "wp
" which is called a predicate transformer, because it associates a pre-condition to any post-condition R has, by definition, the following properties.
, we have for all stateswp(S, F) = F
and any two post-conditions P
and Q
, such that for all statesP ⇒ Q
wp (S, P) ⇒ wp (S, Q)
and any two post-conditions P
and Q
we have for all states(wp(S, P) and wp(S, Q)) = wp(S, P and Q)
and any two post-conditions P
and Q
we have for all states(wp(S, P) or wp(S, Q)) ⇒ wp(S, P or Q)
Together with the rules of propositional calculus and the semantic definitions to be given below, the above four properties take over the role of the "rules of inference" as introduced by Hoare [1].
We take the position that we know the semantics of a mechanism S
sufficiently well if we know its predicate transformer, i.e. can derive wp (S, R)
for any post-condition R
", are given by the definition that for any post-condition R
, we havewp("skip", R) = R
x:= E
" are given bywp("x:= E", R) = RxE
denotes a copy of the predicate defining R
in which each occurence of the variable "x
" is replaced by "(E)
" as concatenation operator are given bywp("S1; S2", R) = wp(S1, wp(S2, R))
3.2. The alternative construct.
In order to define the semantics of the alternative construct we define two abbreviations.
" denoteif B1 → SL1 ▯ ... ▯ Bn → SLn fi
" denote(∃i: 1 ≤ i ≤ n: Bi) ;
wp(IF, R) = (BB and (∀i: 1 ≤ i ≤ n: Bi ⇒ wp(SLi, R))
" requires that the alternative construct as such will not lead to abortion on account of all guards false, the second term requires that each guarded list eligible for execution will lead to an acceptable final state.) From this definition we can derive by simple substitutions(∀i: 1 ≤ i ≤ n: (Q and Bi) ⇒ wp(SLi, R))
for all states
(Q and BB) ⇒ wp(IF, R)
holds for all states .
Let "t
" denote some integer function, defined on the state space, end let "wdec(S, t)
" denote the weakest pre-condition such that activation of S
is guaranteed to lead to a properly terminating activity leaving the system in a final state such that the value of t
is decreased by at least 1 (compared to its initial value). In terms of "wdec
" we can formulate the very similar
(∀i: 1 ≤ i ≤ n: (Q and Bi) ⇒ wdec(SLi, t))
for all stateswe can conclude that(Q and BB) ⇒ wdec(IF, t)
holds for all states .Note (which can be skipped at first reading). The relation between "wp
" and "wdec
" is as follows. For any pointX
in state space we can regardwp(S, t ≤ t0)
as an equation witht0
as the unknown. Let its smallest solution fort0
. (Here we have added the explicit dependence on the stateX
.) Thentmin(X)
can be interpreted as the lowest upper bound for the final value oft
if the mechanismS
is activated withX
as initial state. Then, by definition,wdec(S, t) = (tmin(X) ≤ t(X) - 1) = (tmin(X) < t(X))
.(End of note.)3.3. The repetitive construct.
As is to be expected, the definition of the repetitive construct
do B1 → SL1 ▯ ... ▯ Bn → SLn od ;
that we denote by "DO
" , is more complicated.
LetH0(R) = (R and non BB)
and fork > 0:
Hk(R) = (wp(IF, Hk-1(R)) or H0(R))
(where "IF
" denotes the same guarded command set enclosed by "if fi
") then, by definitionwp(DO, R) = (∃k: k ≥ 0: Hk(R))
can be interpreted as the weakest pre-condition guaranteeing proper termination after at most k selections of a guarded list, leaving the system in a final state satisfying R .) Via mathematical induction we can prove
Theorem 3. From(P and BB) ⇒ (wp(IF, P) and wdec(IF, t))
for all statesand(BB and P) ⇒ (t ≥ 0)
for all states
we can conclude that we have for all statesP ⇒ wp(DO, P and non BB)
.Note that the antecedent of Theorem 3 is of the form of the consequents of Theorems 1 and 2.Because
is the condition by definition satisfied by all states,wp(S, T)
is the weakest pre-condition guaranteeing proper termination forS
. This allows us to formulate an alternative theorem about the repetitive construct, viz.Theorem 4. From(P and BB) ⇒ (wp(IF, P)
for all stateswe can conclude that we have for all states(P and wp(DO, T)) ⇒ wp(DO, P and non BB)
.In connection with the above theorems "P
" is called "the invariant relation" and "t
" is called "the variant function".
4. Formal derivation of programs.
The formal requirement of our program performing "
m:= max(x, y)
" see above is that for fixedx
it establishes the relationR: (m = x or m = y) and m ≥ x and m ≥ y
.Now the Axiom of Assignment tells us that "
m:= x
" is the standard way of establishing the truth of "m = x
" for fixedx
, which is a way of establishing the truth of the first term ofR
. Will "m:= x
" do the job? In order to investigate this, we derive and simplifywp("m:= x", R) = (x = x or x = y) and x≥x and x≥y
= x≥yTaking this weakest pre-condition as its guard, Theorem 1 tells us thatif x ≥ y → m:= x fi
will produce the correct result if it terminates succesfully. The disadvantage of this program is thatBB ≠ T
, i.e. it might lead to abortion; weakeningBB
means looking for alternatives which might introduce new guards. The obvious alternative is the assignment "m:= y
" with the guardwp("m:=y", R) = y ≥ x
;thus we are led to our programif x ≥ y → m:= x
▯ y ≥ x → m:= y
fiand by this timeBE = T
and therefore we have solved the problem. (In the mean time we have proved that the maximum of two values is always defined, viz. thatR
considered as equation form
has always a solution.)As an example of the deriviation of a repetitive construct we shall derive a program for the greatest common divisor of two positive numbers, i.e. for fixed, positive
we have to establish the final relationx = gcd(X, Y)
.The formal machinery only gets in motion, once we have chosen our invariant relation and our variant function. The program then gets the structure
establish the relationP
to be kept invariant";
as long as possible under invariance ofP
.Suppose that we choose for the invariant relation
P: gcd(X, Y) = gcd(x, y) and x > 0 and y > 0
a relation that has the advantage of being easily established byx:= X; y:= Y
.The most general "something" to be done under invariance of
is of the formx, y: = E1, E2
and we are interested in a guardB
such that(P and B)
⇒wp("x, y := E1, E2", P)
= (gcd(X, Y) = gcd(E1, E2) and E1 > 0 and E2 > 0)Because the guard must be a computable boolean expression and should not contain the computation of
gcd(X, Y)
for that was the whole problem: we must see to it that the expressionsE1
are so chosen, that the first termgcd(X, Y) = gcd(E1, E2)
is implied byP
, which is true ifgcd(x, y) = gcd(E1, E2).
In other words we are invited to massage the value pair(x, y)
in such a fashion that theirgcd
is not changed. Because and this is the place where to mobilize our mathematical knowledge about the gcd-functiongcd(x, y) = gcd(x y, y)
a possible guarded list would bex:= x y .
Derivingwp("x:= x y", R) = (gcd(X, Y)
= gcd(x y, y) and x y > 0 and y > 0)and omitting all terms of the conjunction implied byp
we find the guardx>y
as far as the invariance ofp
is concerned. Besides that we must require guaranteed decrease of the variant function t. Let us investigate the consequences of the choicet = x + y
.Fromwp("x:= x y", t ≤ t0) :=
wp("x:= x y", x + y ≤ t0) := (x ≤ t0)we conclude thattmin := X
;thereforewdec("x:= x y", t) = (x < x + y) = (y > 0)
.The requirement of monotonic decrease of
imposes no further restriction of the guard becausewdec("x:= x y", t)
is fully implied byp
and we come at our first effortx:= X; y:= Y;
do x > y → x:= x y odAlas, this single guard is insufficient: from
p and non BB
we are not allowed to concludex = gcd(X, V)
. In a completely analogous manner, the alternativey:= y x
will require as its guardy > x
and our next effort isx:= X; y:= Y;
do x > y → x:= x y
▯ y > x → y:= y x
odNow the job is done, because with this last program
non BB = (x = y)
and(P and x = y)
⇒(x = gcd(X, Y))
becausegcd(x, x) := x
.Note. The choice oft = x +2y
and the knowledge of the fact that thegcd
is a symmetric function could have led to the programx:= X; y:= Y;
do x > y → x:= x y
▯ y > x → x, y:= y, x
odThe swap "x, y := y, x
" can never destroyP
: the guard of the last guarded list is fully caused by the requirement thatt
is effectively decreased.In both cases the final game has been to find a large enough set of such guarded lists that
, the disjunction of their guards, was sufficiently weak: in the case of the alternative construct the purpose is avoiding abortion, in the case of the repetitive construct the goal is gettingBB
weak enough such thatP and not BB
is strong enough to imply the desired post-conditionR
.5. Concluding remarks.
The research, the outcome of which is reported in this article, was triggered by the observation that Euclid's Algorithm could also be regarded as synchronizing the two cyclic processes "
do x:= x y od
" and "do y:= y x od
" in such a way that the relationx > 0 and y > 0
would be kept invariantly true. It was only after this observation that we saw that the formal techniques we had already developed for the derivation of the synchronizing conditions that ensure the harmonious co-operation of (cyclic) sequential processes, such as can be identified in the total activity of operating systems, could be transferred lock, stock and barrel to the development of sequential programs as shown in this article. The main difference is that while for sequential programs the situation "all guards false" is a desirable goal for it means termination of a repetitive construct , one tries to avoid it in operating systems for there it means deadlock.The second reason to pursue these investigations was my personal desire to get a better appreciation among other things in order to be able to evaluate how realistic some claims towards "automatic programming" were which part of the programming activity can be regarded as formal routine and which. part of it seems to require "invention". While the design of an alternative construct now seems to be a reasonably straightforward activity, that of a repetitive construct requires what I regard as "the invention" of an invariant relation and a variant function. For me, the main value of the calculus shown in section 4 is that it has strengthened my skepticism about some of the claims or goals of "automatic programming"; me presenting this calculus should not be interpreted as me suggesting that all programs should be developed that way: it just gives us another handle.
The calculus does, however, explain my preference for the axiomatic definition of programming language semantics via predicate transformers above other definition techniques: the definition via predicate transformers seems to lend itself most readily to being forged into a tool for the goal-directed activity of program composition.
Finally I would like to say a word or two about the role of the potential non-determinacy. I quote in this connection C.A.R.Hoare: "A system which permits user programs to become non-deterministic presents dreadful problems to the maintenance engineer: it is not a "facility" to be lightly granted." (This is particularly true in the absence of self-checking hardware.) I myself had to overcome a considerable mental resistance before I found myself willing to consider non-deterministic programs seriously. It is, however, fair to say that I could not have discovered the calculus shown before having taken that hurdle and I leave it to the environment whether the non-determinacy is eventually resolved by human intervention or mechanically, in a reproducible manner or not. (It is only in an environment in which all programs should be deterministic, where non-reproducible behaviour is interpreted as machine malfunctioning: I can easily think of an environment in which non-reproducible user program behaviour is quite naturally and almost always correctly taken as an indication that the user in question has written a non-deterministic program!)
In the first place my acknowledgements are due to the members of the IFIP Working Group W.G.2.3 on "Programming Methodology": it was, as a matter of fact, during the Blanchland meeting of this Working Group in October 1973 that the guarded commands were both born and shown to the public. In connection with this effort its members R.M.Burstall, C.A.R. Hoare, J.J.Horning, J.C.Reynolds, D.T.Ross, G.Seegmüller, N.Wirth and M. Woodger deserve my special thanks. Besides them, W.H.J.Feijen, D.E.Knuth, M.Rem and C.S.Scholten have been directly helpful in one way or another. I should also thank the various audiences in Albuquerque (courtesy NSF), in San Diego and Luxembourg (courtesy Burroughs Corporation) that have played their role of critical sounding board beyond what one is entitled to hope.
[1] Hoare, C.A.R., An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming, Comm.ACM 12 (Oct. 1969). 576 - 583.
[2] Naur. Peter, (Ed.) Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60, Comm.ACM 3 (May 1960) 299 - 314
26th June 1974
NEUNENprof.dr.Edsger W.Dijkstra
Burroughs Research Fellow
Transcription by Moti Ben-Ari.
RevisedSun, 19 Nov 2006 .