Exam Retake Signup Schedule

All times are Central Time.

These retakes will be held in ***CBA 4.332***. Sign up for one time slot PER PROBLEM. You will have twenty minutes to work each problem, so you will need to sign up for a time for each problem you plan to work. So if, for instance, you are working both VM Policies and FS Consistency, you would need to register for two times (e.g., 1:00p and 1:30p). The times do not need to be back to back. Plan carefully. If you arrive late to your time, you will not get the full twenty minutes, and if you do not show up for your time, you will forfeit the retake option.

You may retake any topics problem, subject to all constraints given previously (ISPs, learning sessions, etc).

After your name, include your EID in **square brackets** (e.g. Alison Norman [smithan4]).

Sign ups must be completed by Thursday, 4/25, at 10p.

If you are signing up after that time, complete your sign up and then contact Alison (ans@cs) for permission and explain why you were unable to sign up earlier.



For Friday, April 26, 2024