Please sign up for your Project 2 design and code review below. Sign up times
are by group, and all group members must be present during the hour-long
time slot.
Please list group members (first and last names) in the appointment
slot, and after each name, include the member's CS LOGIN in parentheses
(e.g. Alison Norman (ans)).
After sign ups are complete, we will send email to your CS accounts to confirm
your time slot and tell you your room location.
At the time of your code review, wait with your group on the atrium bridge on
your assigned floor in GDC. Each group member will be called back to the room
individually by course staff and asked questions related to the design of the
code. Prepared notes will not be allowed in the room, and any and all comments
in your code are subject to removal.
Please do plan to take notes during our discussion, so that you know how to
improve your code for the next projects.
If you do not complete your sign up by Sunday, 3/9, at noon, go ahead and sign
up, and then contact Alison (ans@cs) for further instructions.