Project Specifications
The demo
program draws a cone and allows you to move it, change its size, color
and sub-division parameters through the GUI. Now you have to add a solid
torus in the scene and allow the user to move it (rotate, give XY &
Z movements), change its size (inner & outer radii), change its color
and change its sub-division parameters (number of sides & rings). The
user should be able to change the cone or the torus independent of the
other, but also make an arrangement such that the user can move the cone
and the torus simultaneously. Your program should compile and run on the
Taylor or Painter basement machines.
Getting Started and Suggested Approach
First read the Lab
Setup link from the course home page.
Download the demo program files all in one directory. To download the
files from Netscape, hold down the SHIFT key before clicking on the name
of the file. The program will run only on the Dell Linux machines in Taylor
and Painter basement labs (see the GLUI information below if you want to
run it on other machines or if you want to look at more GLUI examples).
To compile it, type "make BOX=dell". This will produce an executable "demo".
To run it, type "demo". You will see a cone and a GUI. Play around with
this cone using the GUI.
This program uses the OpenGL graphics library to draw the object and GLUI library to make the graphical user interface. Try to understand how the interface is being made (in the initialize_interface() funtion in main.cpp). Refer this GLUI manual to understand what each function is doing. Next try to understand how the cone is being made and displayed using various OpenGL and GLUT functions. The cone is being drawn directly by the function glutSolidCone(). Refer OpenGL reference book to understand what the various functions are doing. For this project you may ignore lighting and shading functions (as used in the initLighting() function).
Next understand how a torus can be drawn using glutSolidTorus() function. Expand the user interface to allow all the required flexibility for drawing the torus.
Questions Related to the Project (20% of the project grade)
1. What are live variables and why are they useful?
2. How can one change the objects using mouse and keyboard but without
using the GLUI library? How much is this convenient for the user as compared
to changing the objects using GLUI library?
3. In this project you used the direct function available to make cone.
How will you construct a cone in OpenGL without using this function?
What and how to submit
Your program should compile and run on the Taylor or Painter basement
machines. Then submit the following files:
Source code (.cpp and .h files)
You don't need to submit the GLUI library file libglui.a file if you are using the one provided.
The README file should be a plain text file, it should clearly mention: your name, what the submitted files contain (e.g. which is the executable, which contain the source code etc.) and which machines it compiles and runs.
The report should also be a plain text file which should contain the answer to the above "Questions Related to the Project". In addition, if appropriate, you may also write about what extra things you did in the project, what new ideas you came up with, what design decisions you took etc; please keep such a discussion short and to the point.
Use the turnin program to submit your files. You have to turnin to:
rjkate cs354-project1
is a short note on how to use turnin program.
Refer the "Grading" section in the "Syllabus" link on the course home page for grading and late policy.
GLUI Information
GLUI is a new GLUT-based C++ user interface library which provides
controls such as buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, and spinners to OpenGL
applications. You can learn more about it here
. In this project the glui library "libglui.a" was made by compiling GLUI
version 2.1 on one of the Dell Linux machines in Taylor/Painter basement
lab, hence the provided demo program will compile only on those machines.
If you want to use GLUI on any other machine, then you need to generate
its library for that machine. For doing this, download version 2.1 from
the above site, unzip and untar it. Read its readme.txt file. You
need to make certain changes to the makefile to compile it. This makefile
was used to compile it on Dell Linux machine (you also need to create lib/
and bin/ empty directories to hold the library and the example executables).
You may also play around with the example programs which it generates (some
of them also draw torus). For the Dell Linux machines, all these things
are present at ~rjkate/cs354/glui_v2_1_beta/
OpenGl Reference book
Neider, Davis and Woo, "OpenGL Programming Guide" Second Edition, Addison-Wesley
You may also see the course home page for various OpenGl links.