8:30 |
30 min |
coffee and registration |
9:00 |
30 min |
Welcome by Nell Dale, Conference
Co-chair Warm-up activity; using the wall |
9:30 |
15 min |
Oliver Grillmeyer (U.C. Berkeley) Designing effective animations for Computer Science education |
9:45 |
15 min |
Debra Burhans (State University
of New York at Buffalo) A characterization of answers in rule-based systems |
10:00 |
5 min |
movement break |
10:05 |
15 min |
Peter DePasquale (Virginia Tech.) Concurrent programming aids in CS1/CS2 courses |
10:20 |
15 min |
Elizabeth Odekirk-Hash (University
of Utah) Program analysis and hints in beginning programming |
10:35 |
30 min |
coffee with activity: Stumbling blocks: how to fail |
11:05 |
15 min |
Jennifer Walter (Texas A&M) Distributed algorithms for mobile computing systems |
11:20 |
15 min |
Hope Harley (Virginia Polytechnic
Institute & State University) Learning object-oriented analysis and design by case study: A minimalist approach |
11:35 |
30 min |
The Ph.D. as perfomance art: juggling and storytelling |
12:05 |
5 min |
movement break |
12:10 |
15 min |
Mary Last, (Kingston University,
UK) Virtual teams in Computing education |
12:25 |
15 min |
Martha Hause (Open University, UK) Communication in remote group learning |
12:40 |
20 min |
"Cocktail party" introductions |
13:00 |
90 min |
lunch at Fresh Choice Restaurant |
14:30 |
15 min |
Lisa Kaczmarczyk (University of
Texas at Austin) Trust in computer software as evidenced by student selection of GRE format |
14:45 |
15 min |
Stephanie Ludi (Arizona State University) Factors affecting the retention of women in the undergraduate Computer Science program |
15:00 |
5 min |
movement break |
15:05 |
15 min |
Janet Carter (University of Kent
at Canterbury, UK) Peer scaffolding and the learning of programming |
15:20 |
15 min |
Cheryl Seals (Virginia Tech.) A visual programming environment to support novice programmer development of educational simulations |
15:35 |
30 min |
Tactics for completion |
16:05 |
15 min |
coffee break |
16:20 |
30 min |
Strategies for conferencing: Mixer and discussion with members of the SIGCSE Board and SIGCSE 2000 Conference Committee |
16:50 |
15 min |
Closing thoughts and feedback |
17:05 |
end |