ITiCSE Conferences

on Innovation and Technology
in Computer Science Education*

Sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Groups on
Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) [1996 - present]
Computer Uses in Education (SIGCUE) [1996 - 2000]

* originally "Integrating Technology into CS Education"

This web area provides links to information about past and future ITiCSE conferences. The primary purpose of this web site is to allow easy access to the reports produced by the Working Groups that convened during the ITiCSE conferences.

All of the documents are stored as PDF files. If you do not already have a copy, you can download a free copy of Acrobat Reader.

Working Group Reports

WG Reports by year and group (including group pictures)

WG Reports by index terms in ACM Digital Library

WG Reports by topic

Conference history and future

Front and back matter

Keynote Speeches

Papers, Panels, Posters

Parts of these proceedings are available via the ACM's Digital Library.

Page prepared by Vicki L. Almstrum. Department of Computer Sciences at UT Austin
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