ITiCSE 1996 Working Groups

Barcelona, Spain, 2-6 June 1996



1996 Working Group Coordinator: Harriet Taylor

Working Group on Computing Laboratories

     group picture of lab group

  • Title of report: Use of laboratories in Computer Science education: guidelines for good practice
  • Reference: ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 28(SI), 1996, pages 167-181.
  • Link to Digital Library version of report
  • Links to continued work: none available
  • In picture, back row left to right: Ursula Wolz (co-chair), Dan Joyce, Elliot Koffman, Paul Myers, Ken Reek; front row left to right: Atika Laribi, Deborah Knox (co-chair), Viera Proulx, Joan Krone

Working Group on Interactive Multimedia Pedagogy

    group picture of multimedia group

  • Title of report: Interactive multimedia pedagogy
  • Reference: ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 28(SI), 1996, pages 182-191.
  • Link to Digital Library version of report
  • Links to continued work: none available
  • In picture, left to right: Patrick Hall (chair), Jeanine Meyer, John Motil, Elizabeth Adams, Ainslie Ellis, Amruth Kumar; not in picture: Linda Carswell

Working Group on Visualization

    group picture of visualization group

  • Title of report: An overview of visualization: its use and design
  • Reference: ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 28(SI), 1996, pages 192-200.
  • Link to Digital Library version of report
  • Links to continued work: none available
  • In picture, left to right: Myles McNally, Tom Naps (chair; mostly hidden behind Myles), Ken Brodlie, Sami Khuri, Susan Rodger, Judith Wilson, Joe Bergin, Marta Patino-Martinez, Mike Goldweber, Ricardo Jimenez-Peris

Working Group on Evaluation

Working Group on the World Wide Web as an Interactive Teaching Resource

    group picture of web group

  • Title of report: Enhancing teaching using the Internet
  • Reference: ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 28(SI), 1996, pages 218-228.
  • Link to Digital Library version of report
  • Links to continued work: none available
  • Picture taken during Working Group poster presentation
  • Group members: Stephen Hartley, Jill Gerhardt-Powals, David Jones, Colin McCormack, Dee Medley, Blaine Price, Margaret Reek (chair), and Marguerite Summers

Page prepared by Vicki L. Almstrum. Department of Computer Sciences at UT Austin
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