These are the web pages I had when I was a "Teaching Associate" at
The University of Texas at San Antonio. This
is the old index of the page, as I left it when I quit my job there
in anticipation of rejoining the computer science Ph.D. program at UT Austin.
I taught several classes at UTSA. Here are links to the information
I distributed via the Web for these classes. If by some freakish twist
of fate you are a student for a class I'm teaching or TAing, you may
find these more than useful. Otherwise, I think they're pretty good
for the amount of time I was able to spend preparing them (read: not much :-).
- CS 1713 Section 3, Spring 1997 (Introduction to Computer Science)
- CS 1713 Section 1, Summer 1997 (Introduction to Computer Science)
- CS 1713 Section 2, Fall 1997 (Introduction to Computer Science) Wow, I taught that one a lot. By this time, I could
have taught that class in my sleep. In fact, I did: this is about the point
where I had this dream. You know how you always have that dream where it's
time for your final exam and you haven't been attending class all semester?
Well, I started dreaming it was the end of the semester and I hadn't
been teaching my class. I didn't know what they had been doing;
had they turned in any projects? How was I going to grade them?
- CS 2073 Section 2, Fall 1997 (Computer Programming with Engineering Applications)
- CS 1723 Section 1T, Summer 1998 (Data Structures) and CS1721 Section 1T (Data Structures Lab)
- CS 3343 Section 1, Spring 1998 (Analysis of Algorithms) I'm interested in algorithms,
so when they let me teach this I was happy. See the lecture notes for some
good stuff (I hope) about algorithms.
Everything you find under this page is hereby placed in the public domain.
That means you can shamelessly copy them, change them, sell them, or whatever.
If you have found them useful, or have any comment about them, please
let me know.