In September 2000, the Distributed
Multimedia Computing Laboratory (DMCL), founded by Associate Professor
Harrick M. Vin in 1994, merged with the
Laboratory for Experimental Systems Software
(LESS), headed by
Dr. Lorenzo Alvisi and
Dr. Mike Dahlin,
to form the new Laboratory for Advanced Systems Research
With the inauguration of LASR, Dr. Vin and the students conducting research
under his supervision have reoriented their research vision towards
integrating the traditionally separate research areas of
- Networking and Security
- Distributed Systems and Fault-tolerance
- Operating Systems
- Web Technologies
This site is accessible as an archieve of the research
conducted by the DMCL from its opening in 1994 through its full
integration with LASR in September 2001.
Please visit
LASR to see
what's new.