CS 386d Database
Systems Spring 2014 |
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Professor |
Prof. Don Batory | batory@cs.utexas.edu |
office hours |
TBD | ||
TA | Akanksha Bansal | akankshabansal90@gmail.com | |
office hours |
1-3pm Wednesday, GDC 3.718F | ||
Room | GDC 4.304 |
Time | 9:30-11:00 Tuesday, Thursday | ||
Unique# | 53993 | ||
Ground Rules | Code of Conduct and Academic Honesty | ||
Your Grades | UTCanvas |
Final Exam | Friday, May 9th, 9am-12noon (GDC 4.304 -- our classroom!) |
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Course Objectives |
This is a graduate-level introduction to the principles of relational database systems. We review and explain fundamental ideas and algorithms that are used in the construction of centralized DBMSs, distributed DBMSs, and database machines. Topics to be covered include: query processing and optimization, database machines, object-oriented databases, concurrency control and recovery. Recent directions in database research are also surveyed.
Course Prerequisites |
All students must have taken undergraduate database or its equivalent. If you are in need of a database refresher, I recommend any version of this text:
It is a good text to present the (external, not internal) basics of databases.
Lecture Notes, Texts, and Class Lectures |
Notes for each lecture will be posted immediately after a lecture. Class lectures are supplemented by papers. Both are available via hyperlinks in the course outline below. Students are responsible for reading these papers. Remember: DO NOT PRINT THESE PAPERS ON CS PRINTERS!
Presentations |
The last class periods of the semester are devoted to student group presentations. These presentations will survey recent results presented in major database conferences. Group lectures will be critiqued prior to the actual presentation to enhance quality and content. Topics for presentation can be chosen from any recent database conference, among them are:
Programming Projects and Homework |
A series of 4 programming
projects is given in this course. The first project will refresh
memory on SQL and your use of DBMSs; you will build in the 2nd-4th an
inverted file
system using Berkeley DB (which is a file management system written in
Java). An award (of no particular consequence) will be given to the
judged-fastest entry.
where HP is a designator H1,H2, ... for homeworks and P1,P2... for programs.
> turnin -- list
bansal cs386_HP
> turnin -- verify bansal cs386_HP
Evaluation |
Final grades will be determined approximately by the following scheme:
Homework grades and class participation is used to decide borderline cases for final grades.
Extenuating Circumstances |
If you have difficulty meeting the requirements of this course, fail to hand in an assignment, or miss an exam because of extenuating circumstances, please advise the instructor in writing (not email) at the earliest possible date so that your situation can be discussed. If you encounter an unexpected medical or family emergency or a random act of Nature that causes you to miss the due date for homework or miss a quiz or exam, you must present suitable documentation in writing (not email) to the instructor before special consideration will be given. A file of all written correspondence will be kept by the instructor and decisions regarding them will be made at the end of the semester.
Course Outline |
Numbers in [brackets] indicates the estimated number of lectures on a topic. The number indicated is a lower-bound, as there will be class room discussions to work on problems and review of homework assignments. Papers that are listed below are required readings and are accessible via a web link.