Workshop on Clustering High Dimensional Data and its Applications
May 3, 2003
Cathedral Hill Hotel
San Francisco, CA

To be Held in Conjunction with the
Third SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2003)


Theme Statement | Topics of interest | Registration | Submission Requirements
Important Dates | Schedule | Program Committee | Organizing Committee

Theme Statement

Applications in various domains often lead to very high-dimensional data; the dimension of the data being in the hundreds or thousands, for example in text/web mining and bioinformatics. In addition to the high dimensionality, these data sets are also often sparse. Clustering such high-dimensional data sets is a contemporary challenge. Successful algorithms must avoid the curse of dimensionality but at the same time should be computationally efficient.

A one-day workshop on Clustering High Dimensional Data and its Applications is being held in conjunction with SDM 2003 in San Francisco (May '03) to bring together researchers to present their current approaches and results in clustering high-dimensional data that arise in various applications. Particular areas of interest are text mining, clustering of bio-informatics data, market-basket and web log data.

Topics of interest include:


Attendees are required to register for SDM 2003, but no separate registration is needed for this workshop.

Submission Requirements

Original papers on clustering high-dimensional data are solicited. For consideration, send an electronic submission (postscript or PDF versions printable on 8.5 x 11 paper only) to Jacob Kogan:; phone: (410)-455-3297; fax: (410)-455-1066.

An email including the title, authors and abstract of the paper should be sent separately in plain ASCII format (no HTML-tags please).

To guarantee consideration, manuscripts must be received by February 15, 2003, and must be no more than 10 pages excluding figures, tables, and references. Submission of work in progress is also encouraged.

All accepted papers whose camera-ready copies are received by the Mar 20, 2003 deadline (see below) will be distributed as photocopied proceedings available at the conference for purchase by attendees. Electronic copies will also be put on a SIAM web site.

Important Dates

Papers Due:
Feb 15th, 2003

Notification of Acceptance:
Mar 15th, 2003

Camera ready:
Mar 20th, 2003

May 3rd, 2003

Workshop Schedule

Keynote Speakers: Roded Sharan, ICSI, Berkeley & Yuval Kluger, Yale

Program Committee

Cliff Behrens, Telcordia Technologies
Pavel Berkhin, Accrue Software
Paul Bradley, Bradley Data Consulting, LLC
Joydeep Ghosh, University of Texas, Austin
George Karypis, University of Minnesota
Shailesh Kumar, HNC
Arie Leizarowitz, Technion, Israel (currently at Indiana University, Bloomington)
Dharmendra Modha, IBM Almaden Research Center
Nick Street, University of Iowa
Mark Teboulle, Tel-Aviv University
Zeev (Vladimir) Volkovich, Ort Braude College, Israel

Organizing Committee

Inderjit Dhillon
Department of Computer Science
University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712-1188
Phone: (512) 471-9725
Fax: (512) 471-8885

Jacob Kogan
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County
Baltimore, MD 21250
Phone: (410) 455-3297
Fax: (410) 455-1066

Last modified on Aug 2, 2002.