ITP 2011 Host Selection

Congratulations to the team from The Netherlands on its winning bid! And thank you to all of those who submitted bids, which we found to be very impressive. Details of the votings result may be found in the email announcement of the results.

Information about the host selection process may be found in an earlier version of this web page. The bids are in and voting is now underway. (Note: ACL2 papers will be welcome at ITP 2011, regardless of whether or not there is a separate ACL2 workshop in 2011.)

The bids, in the order received, are as follows. Please see the voting instructions that were sent by email for eligibility to vote and instructions. Send your vote to Matt Kaufmann by email:

China Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, hosted by the French-Chinese Consortium LIAMA
Netherlands Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, The Institute of Computing and Information Sciences (ICIS)
Spain University of Seville, Seville, Spain, Computational Logic Group
Denmark IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
USA University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, hosted by the Programming Languages, Formal Methods and Software Engineering group of the Department of Computer Science