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Home: Simon S. Lam
- Editor-in-Chief, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 1995 - 1999;
Editorial Board, 1992 - 2001
- Editorial Board, Computer Networks, 1999 - 2007
- Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1990 - 1994
- Editorial Board, Performance Evaluation, 1981 - 1993
- Editor for Network Protocols, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 1984 - 1990
- Editorial Board, Proceedings of the IEEE, 1985 - 1989
- Co-founder of IEEE International Conference
on Network Protocols in 1993
- Co-founder of ACM SIGCOMM Conference in 1983
Proceedings (front matter)
- Steering Committee member, IEEE International Conference on Network
Protocols, 1993 - 2008;
- Advisory Board, 2008 - present
- General Chair, IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, Boston, 1994
- Program Chair, ACM SIGCOMM Symposium, Austin, Texas, 1983 (inaugural)
- Vice Chair, 8th Texas Conference on Computing Systems, Dallas (1979)
- Program Committees
ACM SIGCOMM (2000, 1997, 1996, 1989, 1988, 1984, 1983)
IEEE INFOCOM (1998, 1997, 1996, 1993, 1992, 1984, 1983)
ACM SIGMETRICS (2005, 2000, 1982, 1981)
IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (2005, 1997);
Area Chair (2012); Area Chair (2014)
Fourth IEEE Workshop on the Architecture and Implementation of High Performance
Communication Systems, Chalkidiki, Greece (1997)
IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (1994)
TriComm '91, Chapel Hill (1991)
Eleventh IFIP International Conference on Protocol Specification, Testing and
Verification, Stockholm (1991)
IFIP International Workshop on Protocols for High-Speed Networks, Palo Alto (1990)
IEEE Region 10 Conference on Computers and Communications, Hong Kong (1990)
ACM Principles of Distributed Computing, Vancouver (1984)
- Panelist and contributor, Research Priorities in Networking and Communications,
Airlie House Workshop reports to NSF Division of Networking and
Communications Research and Infrastructure (1994, 1992, 1989)
- Advisory Panel, NSF Division of Networking and Communications
Research and Infrastructure (1991 - 1992)
- NSF Review Panels, chair (October 1997, June 1996), panelist (1999, 1990, 1988)
Advisory Board, Wiley Book Series: Advanced
Texts in Computer Networking and Communications, 2008 - 2012
- ACM SIGCOMM Award Committee (2005, 2007)
- IEEE Koji Kobayashi Award Committee (1991)
- External Examiner, Computer Science Department,
University of Hong Kong (1990 - 1993)
- IEEE Fellows Committee (1987 - 1990)
Next: Dissertations and Theses Supervised
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Home: Simon S. Lam