Simon S. Lam

CS 356 Lecture Slides and Reading Assignments

Textbook: J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach, 7th edition, Addison Wesley, 2017 (online resources website). I  have requested that this book be put on 2-hour reserve in the PCL library.  The hard copy is well over $100.  The online book is about half price.

Lecture Slides (download):  Lecture slides provided herein are to be used for educational purposes only. Please respect the intellectual property rights of their authors and do not use them for commercial profit. Most slides, more than 90%, are courtesy of Kurose and Ross (most have been revised by S.S. Lam). The balance of the slides was created by S.S. Lam from a variety of sources.  Note I have likely included more slides than I will cover in lectures. Some slides will be skipped in lectures.  On the other hand, there are lecture materials that appear in the slides only but not in the textbook, and you should know them in exams.

(The following guide is subject to revision.  Before each exam, read the following again for the most up-to-date instructions.)

1. Computer Networks and the Internet

Read entire chapter 1. Note that Chapter 1 lecture slides contain materials on performance analysis not in the text.  Sections 1.6 and 1.7, for you to read on your own, will not be in exam.

2. Application Layer

Read entire chapter 2.  The material on BitTorrent (pages 144-146) will not be in exam. Details of Case Studies in subsection 2.6.4 will not be in the exam. For Section 2.7, you need to understand the basics and principles of TCP and UDP sockets as presented in class; there will not be any question on Python code in exam. 

3. Transport Layer

Read entire chapter 3, with some exceptions:

My coverage of the material in Section 3.4 is different from your text. More specifically, I use notation and diagrams different from those used by Kurose and Ross to explain the same concepts and ideas.  Also, I have performance analysis material not in the text. You should follow the notation and math in Lecture slides instead of the text.

(Exam 2 covers the following chapters)

4. Network Layer: Data Plane

Read entire chapter of your text, with the following allowance:

5. Network Layer: Control Plane

Read entire chapter of your text, with the following allowances:

6. Link Layer and Local Area Networks

Read entire chapter of your text, with the following allowances:

7. Wireless and Mobile Networks

Read Chapter 7 from the beginning through the end of subsection 7.3.2 (page 542), except subsection 7.2.1 on CDMA, which is not covered in class and will not be in the exam. Also read subsection 7.3.4 (pages 546 and 547) on mobility in the same IP subnet.