CS 352: Project
Assigned: |
Friday, April 9, 2010 |
Due: |
Thursday, April 29, 2010 at the beginning of class |
Objective: Build a Level 1 data cache simulator and
run a set of experiments using your simulator.
Authorship: You must use the pair programming
approach for this assignment, which requires actively working
together on the assignment for 80 to 90% of the time. You may
only spend 10 to 20% of working independently.
Due dates:
- 5pm on April 9
Choose a partner. Send email to upendra@cs.utexas.edu identifying your
partner or requesting assistance to match you up with someone if
you are having trouble finding someone.
- 9:30am on April 29, 2010. Your code and written
report are due. If you turn in the assignment late, BOTH
partners must have the necessary number of slip
Specification |
Source code |
Testing |
Report & Experiments |
Turnin instructions |
Output format
- You can write your program
in either Java or C++ -- your choice. It must run on the CS department
linux machines.
For information on UTCS Java,
For information on UTCS C++
- Your Level 1 Data Cache
Simulator should accept the following command-line options:
-c <capacity> with <capacity>
in KB: 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64.
-b <blocksize> with <blocksize>
in bytes: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, or 512.
-a <associativity> where
<associativity> is integer size of set: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.
The baseline configuration
(i.e., the first one that you should test) is:
capacity = 8K, blocksize =
16 bytes (i.e., 4 words), set associativity = 4
with one of the following commands (NOTE: the code we
provide requires no spaces between the letter and number):
- cache_sim -c8 -b16 -a4
- java cache_sim -c8 -b16 -a4
- Additionally, your cache
should have the following functionality:
- write back (for write hits)
- write allocate (for write
misses) - read the cache line, modify it with the write, then
mark it as dirty.
- LRU replacement
- The input to the cache simulator
will be a sequence of memory access traces, one per line, terminated by end of file. In the following format, with a leading 0 for loads and 1 for stores.
- 0 <address>
1 <address> <dataword>
Each address will be the address
of a 32-bit data word. The address and data are expressed in hexadecimal format.
- To support testing
of your data cache simulator, you will implement a simple model
of main memory. The capacity of the memory should be 16 MB (4 megawords).
At simulator start-up time, initialize the contents of each word to
be the word's address. For example, the 32-bit word that starts at
byte 0x00001004 should be initialized to 0x00001004.
- The output of your program
will consist of a set of statistics gathered during the simulation as
well as the contents of the cache and memory at the end of the simulation.
The format of the output is described in detail at the end of this document.
You must use the code fragments available for download on the project
web page http://userweb.cs.utexas.edu/users/mckinley/352/homework
to print the output. This consistent output format is required for automate grading.
We provide a framework below for both C++ and Java
versions of the code to get you started. These files will
help with input and output, so you can focus on cache
- Your program will be graded
for correctness and design.
Design: We expect to see
well-chosen classes that reflect the application. Be sure that your
method names and variable names reflect memory hierarchy terms. When
done, anyone reading your code should have learned how a cache works.
Towards that end, you should define constants such as "dirty".
Correctness: You should
create your own trace files to help you test and debug your cache configurations.
- Keep in mind these details
- You should initialize all
of the cache locations to be 'invalid' and initialize all of the
tag and data fields to zero.
- All of the parameters on
the command line are base 10 numbers (e.g. 32, 64, 128, etc.)
- The addresses and data in
the trace files are expressed as base 16 (hexadecimal) numbers. Note
that these numbers might (or might not) have extra zeros in front...
e.g. 00de2a vs. de2a.
- Read your input from 'stdin'
and write your output to 'stdout'. (i.e., read from the terminal
and write to the terminal)
- Use the unix shell's ability
to redirect input and output to pull input from disk files and write
output to disk files. For example:
csh> cache_sim -c32 -b16 -a4 < test.trace > test.output
NOTE: No spaces between the number and the letter,
which the code we provide requires.
- Your output should be formatted
as described below in Output format. You will print out the entire contents of the
cache, and 1024 words of memory starting at address 0x003f7f00.
- We have provided the output code and a tool to check it (see testing). If you do not use the correct format, we will not grade your project.
- At the end of the trace, write all dirty blocks to the memory, so that the memory contains updated data. However, do not count them in "Number of Dirty Blocks Evicted From the Cache", since they have not really been evicted from the cache.
Source code
C++ Files: The following files can be used as a starting point for the project.
- Makefile is the
configuration file for building your project. You will probably need to make
changes to it as your project evolves. Look in its comments for more details,
or in the man page:
$ man make
- funcs.cc contains parseParams(),
which helps you parse the command line parameters that are
passed to your cache simulator.
The command line options are:
- -c = cache capacity
- -b = blocksize
- -a = associativity
The parseParams function reads and parses these options;
just call it with the appropriate variables. Remember to
check the return value of the function as in main.cc.
- main.cc
is the top-level entry point for the project. It
currently simply illustrates the use of parseParams() to
parse the commandline.
- funcs.h is the
header file for funcs.cc
- io.cc is
sample code for reading the input trace format.
- cache_sim.java is
the top level entry point
for the project and contains the parseParams routine.
- io.java
contains routines for reading in data
and writing out final cache statistics and contents. You should move
these routines to your own classes and code.
Testing your simulator
We have provided a perl script that checks the formatting of your program's output and sample files.
- checker.pl
- We will use a variation of this script for grading. You should
verify that it can parse your output correctly. We will not grade your project if we cannot parse your output. To run this program,
download it and then change the file to executable. You can do this
using chmod +x checker. Then use checker outputfile to
check the output file.
- Input file: sample_input_file.trace
- Output file from above for configuration -c4 -b32 -a4 : sample_output_file.txt
- File containing input traces for test cases #1-#4: smalltraces.txt
File containing main address trace: cs352.trace
We are not providing the solutions to the four small test
cases, but the test cases are small enough that you can hand
calculate the results. Once your program is complete and passes
the simple test cases, you can use the trace file from the
compress benchmark (cs352.trace) for a "stress test" and for
the experiments as described below.
Report and Experiments
After you test your cache simulator, you will use it as a tool
to evaluate several cache configurations, to determine which one
results in the lowest miss rate for the compress benchmark. The
trace file for the compress benchmark in cs352.trace.
You will write a 3-page report summarizing the design of your
simulator and your experimental results. Your report and
experiments should be structured as followed.
- Describe your experiences in the development of your code.
- How did you structure your code and why?
- What were the challenges in
simulating a cache and memory?
- Describe how you
partitioned the 32 bit addresses into tag, index, and offset,
when given a particular configuration.
- Rather than running all possible
combinations of cache parameters, you will develop a plan
that tests a partial set of combinations. Describe your plan and justify it.
- Provide a table of the statistics you collected from each
of the five best configurations in rank order (best first) and
specify the criteria for choosing the best.
- Discuss factors we did not consider in these experiments
that architects must consider before selecting a specific cache
configuration, and how these factors would influence the
selection. You should consider potential cache access time
(i.e., hit time), the die area that the cache might occupy, etc.
Turn in instructions:
You will turn in code and your report electronically
and you will also turn in one hardcopy of your report in class. Only one of the two partners
should electronically submit the project.
- Your last submission to the turn in directory determines
the 'timestamp' of your submission.
All of your source files,
header files, and makefiles (if used). All of these files must be well
documented with comments.
- If your submission is
in C++, then the command "make" should build your executable
binary. If your submission is in Java, then "javac cache_sim.java"
should build your java binary.
- A compiled binary that
executes on the departmental linux machines. The binary file must be
named "cache_sim" and accept command line arguments
in the exact form specified above.
- Five output files: The
output from simulating test cases 1 through 4, and the stress test (cs352.trace)
using the baseline configuration)
- An electronic copy of
your report (in either ASCII text-file format, named 'report.txt'
or PDF format, named 'report.pdf')
- You will use the following
command to turn in your files electronically:
csh> turnin -submit
upendra cs352-project <filename>
- To verify that your files have
been successfully submitted, use:
csh> turnin --list
upendra cs352-project
turned in at beginning of class.
- Your three page report as specified above.
- One page with the statistics
for test cases 1,2,3,4 and the stress testcase
- A printout of your source
files, header files, and makefiles (if used) that you turned in electronically.
- A printout of the cache
contents and the 1024 words of memory contents for ONLY Test Case 3
Format of Output:
Key to the following description:
of output: (10 = decimal and 16 refers to hex)
should be a real number, with 4 digits of accuracy
print either 1 for True or 0 for False
Misses: <Total (10)> <DataReads
(10)> <DataWrites (10) >
Miss Rate: <for total> <for
dataread> <for datawrites>
Number of Dirty Blocks Evicted
From the Cache: <Total (10)>
Set_Number Valid Tag Dirty Word0 Word1 ...
<base 16> 0/1 <16> 0/1 <16>
MAIN MEMORY: {print 1024 words
of memory starting at address address 0x003f7f00. Print 8 words of memory
per line, all values should be base 16}
<address of word0> <word0> <word1> <word2> ... <word7>
<address of word8> <word8> <word9> <word10> ... <word15>
<address of word1016> <word1016> <word1017> <word1018> ... <word1023>