CS 380C: Programming Assignments
To give you experience building and evaluating systems in order to help you to prepare to build and evaluate novel systems you create.
We will have five programming assignments. I encourage you to work in groups of two on all assignments. You may change partners at the end of each assignment. Please contact me or the TA if you have problems with your partner. You are free to structure your collaboration as you like. However, I recommend using pair programming because there is evidence that it improves how well you learn and the quality of your programming.
Late policy
To account for other deadlines you may have, illness, and to eliminate the need to arbitrate other reasons for late assignments, you have seven slip (late) days. You may apply up to four days to each assignment. Each person turning in an assignemt late must have sufficient slip days. For example, if you have a partner and turn in an assignment two days late, both of you must have two slip days. No more work will be accepted four days (96 hours) following the due date. No late work will be accepted after you exhaust your slip days.
Slip days are counted in twenty four hour increments and accrue to both partners. One hour to 24 hours late is one slip day. I recommend that you plan to only use your slip days in an emergency, such as illness, or on the last assignment.
As a scientist, you are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards, do your own work, report on it accurately, and acknowledge any assistance.
Feel free to discuss lectures, reading, and assignments with me, the TA, and other members of the class. You may discuss design, approach, debugging, and testing. You may not copy code, use code from previous semesters, use code you find on the Internet, read code written by other people, or debug code written by other people. Turning in any work that is not original will be reported to the University and at a minimum, you will fail the course.
The Student Code of Conduct documents your rights and responsibilities as a student.
Thanks & Acknowledgements
These assignments are derived from similar ones developed by Keshav Pingali. Martin Burtscher developed the csc compiler that the assignments use. Thank you Keshav and Martin.