Slot Dictionary

Slot Types

Event to Event
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
causes caused-by -- Event1 causes Event2 splitting the atomic nucleus causes a release of energy
defeats defeated-by Event1 is an Action
Event2 is a State
Event1 defeats State Event2 detaching attached objects defeats the attachment of the objects
enables enabled-by -- Event1 enables Event2 but is insufficient to cause it opening the door enables entry into the room
inhibits inhibited-by -- Event1 inhibits Event2 but is insufficient to prevent it obstructing an object inhibits moving it
by-means-of means-by-which -- Event1 transpires by means of Event2 producing sound by-means-of additive synthesis
first-subevent first-subevent-of -- Event1 has Event2 as its first subevent first turn on the computer.
objective objective -- Event1 has objective Event2 the attack was intended to free the prisoners
next-event prev-event -- Event1 immediately temporally preceeds Event2 They left after they ate.
prevents prevented-by -- Event1 prevents Event2 innoculating prevents contracting disease
resulting-state resulting-from Event1 is an Action
Event2 is a State
Event1 results in State Event2 breaking an object results in the object being broken
subevent subevent-of -- Event1 has as subevent Event2 penetrating has as subevent breaching
supports supported-by -- Event1 supports Event2 artillery fire will offer support for the main attack

Event to Entity
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
agent agent-of -- Entity initiates, performs or causes Event Chico solved the mystery
away-from away-from-of -- Event transpires away from place Place but did not necessarily start there Sylvia gave the lecture off-campus
base base-of -- Event references Entity as a major or relatively fixed thing Vlad attached the sign to the post
beneficiary beneficiary-of -- Entity benefits from Event the verdict benefited Lorena
destination destination-of -- Event ends at place Place Fiona attached the cable to the winch
donor donor-of Event is a Dative Entity releases object of Event Edward sent the money
experiencer experiencer-of Event is a State Entity experiences Event Franz fainted at the keyboard
instrument instrument-of -- Entity is used in Event Irene removed the tumor with a laser
location location-of Entity is a Place Event transpires at place Place Alain performed in the park
object object-of Event is a Action Entity is the main passive participant in Event Betty opened the window
origin origin-of -- Event begins at place Place She's leaving home
path path-of -- Event transpires along Place as path the ants marched across the blanket
raw-material raw-material-of -- Event uses Entity as input Grent carved the swan out of ice
recipient recipient-of Event is a Dative Entity receives object of Event Richard sold Gerald the house
result result-of Event is a Action Entity comes into being as a result of Event Blaise invented the syringe
site site-of -- The specific place of some effect of an Event The car attaches to the trailer at the hitch
substrate substrate Entity is a Tangible-Entity The Tangible-Entity is the molecule that gets converted during Event glucose is the substrate in the enzymatic reaction which produces glucose-6-phosphat.
toward toward-of -- Event transpires toward place Place but may end elsewhere Adam drove toward Brighton

Entity to Role
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
capability capability-of -- Entity is able to fill a Role in Event a knife is able to be instrument in a Pry Event
plays played-by -- Entity is playing the Role in Event a knife is playing the role of an instrument in a Pry Event
purpose purpose-of -- The primary purpose of Entity is to fill a Role in Event the purpose of a knife is to be an instrument in a Cut Event

Role to Event
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
in-event in-event-of -- the entity that plays this Role participates in Event Container role is played by entities that are the instruments of a Be-Contained Event

Entity to Event
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
has-goal is-goal-of -- The goal of Entity is that Event happens the goal of a traveller is that he arrives at a destination

Entity to Entity
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
complement complement -- Entity1 has a complement Entity2 ball and socket
content content-of Entity1 is a Container
Entity2 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity1 contains Entity2 this is my stout mug
chemical-formula chemical-formula-of Entity1 is a Chemical-Entity
Entity2 is a Chemical-Formula
Entity1 has chemical formula EntityTo/td> the H2O is the chemical formula for water
has-part is-part-of Entity1 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity2 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity1 has as part Entity2 this is my stout mug handle
has-basic-functional-unit is-basic-functional-unit-of Entity1 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity2 is an Entity
Entity1 is made up of Entity2 as its basic functional unit the book's ideas
has-basic-structural-unit is-basic-structural-unit-of Entity1 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity2 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity1 is made up of Entity2 as its basic structural unit the book's pages
has-functional-part is-functional-part-of Entity1 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity2 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity1 is made up of Entity2 as a functional part the rocket's propulsion system
has-region is-region-of Entity1 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity2 is a Place
Entity1 has a subregion Entity2 the bottom of my stout mug
has-structural-part is-structural-part-of Entity1 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity2 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity1 is made up of Entity2 as a structural part the rocket's nose cone
information-content information-content Entity1 is an Information
Entity2 is a Thing
Entity1 contains the information described by Entity2 the order was to attack at dawn
is-northwest-of is-southeast-of Entity1 is a Spatial-Entity
Entity2 is a Spatial-Entity
Entity1 is located north west with respect to Entity2 north west of city hall
is-southwest-of is-northeast-of Entity1 is a Spatial-Entity
Entity2 is a Spatial-Entity
Entity1 is located south west with respect to Entity2 south west of the the border
is-west-of is-east-of Entity1 is a Spatial-Entity
Entity2 is a Spatial-Entity
Entity1 is located west with respect to Entity2 west of the the tower
location location-of Entity1 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity2 is a Place
Entity1 is located at Entity2 my stout mug is at home
material material-of Entity1 is a Tangible-Entity
Entity2 is a Substance
Entity1 is made of Entity2 this is my pewter stout mug
element element-of Entity1 is an Aggregate Entity(s)2 make up the Aggregate The three stooges are Moe, Larry, and Curly
first-element first-element-of Entity1 is a Sequence Entity2 is the first in the Sequence The first in line was John
next-element next-element-of Entity1 is a element of a Sequence Entity2 follows Entity1 in the Sequence Marycame after John
possesses is-possessed-by -- Entity1 possesses Entity2 that stout mug is mine
term term-of Entity1 is a Chemical-Formula
Entity2 is a Thing
Entity1 contains EntityTo as a term H2O has O as a term.

Entity to Value
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
depth depth-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has depth Value the bottomless pit
height height-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has height Value towering inferno
thickness thickness-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is scalar
Entity has thickness Value a thick leg
length length-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has length Value a short skirt
width width-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has width Value the narrow pass
age age-of Value is cardinal or scalar Entity has age Value a juvenile delinquent
area area-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has area Value huge tracts of land
density density-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has density Value a hard shell
temperature temperature-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has temperature Value a friggingcold day
mass mass-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has mass Value a hefty bag
volume volume-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has volume Value one large dish barrel
weight weight-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has weight Value heavy bag
animacy animacy-of Value is boolean animate=T: Entity can be living or dead a carrot
breakability breakability-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is scalar
A measure of Entity's physical integrity brittle bones
brightness brightness-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is scalar
The brightness of the Tangible-Entity dark room
capacity capacity-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has capacity Value the 5-gallon popcorn pail
consistency consistency-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is scalar
Entity has consistency Value gritty chocolate
integrity integrity-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has integrity Value semi-permeable membrane
number-of-elements number-of-elements-of Entity is an Aggregate
Value is a number
Entity has number-of-elements Value three butterflies
pH pH-of Entity is a Chemical-Object
Value is cardinal or scalar
Chemical-Object has pH Value an acidic compound
size size-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is scalar
Entity has size Value the big one
slope slope-of Entity is a Spatial-Entity
Value is cardinal or scalar
Entity has slope Value a steep road
texture texture-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is scalar
Entity has texture Value smooth skin
wetness wetness-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is scalar
Entity has wetness Value dry earth
sentience sentience-of Entity has animate=T
Value is scalar
sentient=T: Entity can perceive or feel a human
color color-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is categorical
Entity has color Value a puce beret
polarity polarity-of Entity is a Chemical-Object
Value is categorical
Chemical-Object has polarity Value an negative ion
sex sex-of Entity has sentient=T
Value is categorical
Entity has sex Value the female yak
shape shape-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is categorical
Entity has shape Value a conical hat
smell smell-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is categorical
Entity has smell Value a malodorous reek
taste taste-of Entity is a Tangible-Entity
Value is categorical
Entity has taste Value piquante sauce
trait trait-of Entity has sentient=T
Value is categorical
Entity has personality trait of Value aggressive people
truth truth-of Entity is a Information
Value is categorical
Entity has truth value of Value false statement

Event to Value
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
direction direction-of Value is cardinal, scalar or categorical Event transpires in the direction of Value Max moved north
distance distance-of Value is cardinal or scalar Event transpires over distance Value they traveled far
duration duration-of Value is cardinal or scalar Event lasts for Value amount of time Wayne played for 20 years
frequency frequency-of Event is repetitive
Value is cardinal or scalar
Event transpires at the frequency of Value Christopher lobbied annually
intensity intensity-of Value is cardinal or scalar Event transpires with intensity Value the window held fast
rate rate-of Value is cardinal or scalar Event transpires at the rate of Value this drug takes effect immediately

Value to Value
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
same-as same-as -- Property-Value1 is the same as Property-Value2 same length as width
greater-than less-than -- Property-Value1 is the greater than Property-Value2 heavier than a brick
greater-than-or-equal-to less-than-or-equal-to -- Property-Value1 is the greater than Property-Value2 --

Entity to Temporal-Entity
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
time-of-existence time-of-existence-of Temporal-Entity is a Time-Interval Entity exists during some Time-Interval --

Event to Temporal-Entity
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
time-at time-of Temporal-Entity is Time-Instant Event happens at Time-Instant --
time-during time-contains Temporal-Entity is a Time-Interval Event occurs during Time-Interval --

Temporal-Entity to Temporal-Entity
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
time-before time-after -- end of Temporal-Entity1 < start of Temporal-Entity2 --
time-int-starts time-int-started-by Temporal-Entity2 is a Time-Interval start of Time-Interval1 = start of Time-Interval2 XXX
time-int-overlaps timt-int-overlapped-by Temporal-Entity2 is a Time-Interval start of Time-Interval1 < start of Time-Interval2
end of Time-Interval1 < end of Time-Interval2
time-int-meets time-int-met-by Temporal-Entity2 is a Time-Interval end of Time-Interval1 = start of Time-Interval2 XXXYYY
time-int-finishes time-int-finished-by Temporal-Entity2 is a Time-Interval end of Time-Interval1 = end of Time-Interval2   XXX
time-int-equals time-int-equals Temporal-Entity2 is a Time-Interval Time-Interval1 = Time-Interval2 XXX
time-int-during time-int-contains Temporal-Entity2 is a Time-Interval start of Time-Interval1 > start of Time-Interval2
end of TI1 < end of TI2
time-int-before time-int-after Temporal-Entity2 is a Time-Interval end of Time-Interval1 < start of Time-Interval2 XXX YYY
time-begins time-beginning-of Temporal-Entity2 is a Time-Instant Time-Instant2 is at the start of Time-Interval1 XXX
time-ends time-end-of Temporal-Entity2 is a Time-Instant Time-Instant2 is at the end of Time-Interval1 XXX
time-inside time-is-inside Temporal-Entity2 is a Time-Instant Time-Instant2 is inside the Time-Interval1 XXX
time-begins-or-in time-is-beginning-or-inside Temporal-Entity2 is a Time-Instant Time-Interval1 begins with or contains Time-Instant2 XXXX
time-between -- Temporal-Entity2 is a Time-Instant Time-Interval1 is between Time-Instants2 XXXX
Y  Y

Place to Place
Slot Name Inverse Restrictions Gloss Example
abuts abuts -- Place1 abuts Place2  
is-above is-below -- Place1 is above Place2  
is-along is-along -- Place1 is along Place2  
is-at is-at-of -- Place1 is at Place2  
is-beside is-beside -- Place1 is beside Place2  
is-between -- -- Place1 is between Places2  
is-behind is-in-front-of -- Place1 is behind Place2  
is-facing is-faced-by -- Place1 is facing Place2  
is-inside encloses -- Place1 is inside Place2  
is-near is-near -- Place1 is near Place2  
is-on has-on-it -- Place1 is on Place2  
is-opposite is-opposite -- Place1 is opposite Place2  
is-oriented-toward is-oriented-toward-of -- Place1 is oriented toward Place2  
is-outside does-not-enclose -- Place1 is outside Place2  
is-over is-under -- Place1 is over Place2