RELEASE NOTES FOR KM VERSION 2.5.45 =================================== NOTE: - 2nd level version changes (e.g., 2.0 -> 2.1) mean that some of the existing semantics/behavior has CHANGED with respect to the KM User Manual. - 3rd level version changes (e.g., 2.0.4 -> 2.0.5) mean that there has either been ADDED functionality or bug fixes. Thus it is particularly important to look at the RELEASE-NOTES for the 2.*.0 changes, as these may supercede documentation in the KM User Guide. In addition, the 3rd level version changes provide many nifty new functions and capabilities. For your convenience, the 2.*.0 changes are listed HERE at the start. Then, the full list of changes is given subsequently (including repeating the 2.*.0 changes). ====================================================================== 2nd level version changes: RELEASE NOTES ====================================================================== 2.5.0 - With Allegro 8.2 Lisp and later ------------------------------- Under Allegro 8.2 Lisp and later, *ALL* Lisp files using KM's #$ dispatch macro needs to include the following two lines before the first use of #$ in that file (e.g., at the start of the file): (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel :compile-toplevel) (setq *readtable* *km-readtable*)) ; So #$ is recognized Without this declaration, the #$ macro will *NOT* be recognized. This is to correct KM's previous illegal (wrt. the Lisp spec) use of dispatch macros that is no longer permitted in Allegro 8.2. This is only needed in Lisp files using #$, not in the .km KB files nor Lisp files that don't use #$. If you are using Lisp packages, and you used the #$ macro in a package other than the KM package, then you will need to prefix *km-readtable* with km:: in the files with those usages, e.g.,: (in-package ) (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel :compile-toplevel) (setq *readtable* km::*km-readtable*)) ; So #$ is recognized In addition, #$ is not automatically recognized at the Lisp prompt after loading KM. To make it recognized, type: (hash-dollar) at the Lisp prompt. With Allegro 8.1 and earlier ---------------------------- KM 2.5.1 is now backward compatible with earlier Allegro versions. With other Lisps ---------------- If your Lisp allows you to change the default system readtable, then KM 2.5.1 is backward compatible and no changes are needed. If KM compiles without a problem, then it is backward compatible. If your Lisp does not allow you to change the default system readtable, then you will receive an error during compiling KM along the lines of: ` Error: Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable... If that occurs, the error is caused by the lines (at the end of case.lisp in the unpacked KM): #-(and allegro-version>= (version>= 8.2)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\$ #'hash-dollar-reader *readtable*)) If that occurs, you will have to delete these lines, recompile, and then make the same changes as above for Allegro 8.2. If that happens, please let me know and I'll extend the #- switch above to also exclude the Lisp version that you have found the problem with. 2.4.0 - The semantics of KM expressions: (the instances of ) (the all-instances of ) and the equivalent Lisp functions: (all-instances ) (immediate-instances ) have been slightly changed so that these expressions no longer include protoinstances (instances that are part of KM prototypes, i.e., have a value on the prototype-participant-of slot) in their returned values. This change only affects people using KM's prototype mechanism. This change is to avoid users accidentally triggering inference with protoinstances (not allowed) when using the above constructs in a KB. (Note that protoinstances still have an instance-of assertion on their frames, they are just not returned by the above functions). The three instance-retrieving functions are now: (the all-instances of ) ; "real" (non-proto) instances (the all-prototypes of ) ; prototype participant instances (the full-all-instances of ) ; all (real + proto participants) and the equivalent Lisp functions: (all-instances ) (all-prototypes ) (full-all-instances ) 2.3.0 - KM did eager classification for traditional has-definitions, but lazy classification for prototype-scope definitions. 2.3.0 changes this to make both eager. 2.2.0 - The parameters controlling behavior on errors have been rationalized to a single parameter. *abort-on-error-report*, *error-report-silent*, and *silently-abort-on-error-report* NO LONGER DO ANYTHING. Instead use the NEW variable *on-error* to define behavior on errors, with the following allowed values: VALUE KM'S BEHAVIOR ON ERRORS ===== ======================= abort Report error and do not continue, instead immediately return NIL. abort-silently Don't report error and do not continue, instead immediately return NIL. continue Report error and continue continue-silently Don't report error and continue ignore [ synonym for continue-silently ] debug Report error and turn on debugger [DEFAULT] break Report error and break to Lisp e.g., (setq *on-error* 'continue) NOTE that with continuation (*on-error* = continue or ignore), KM will (as before when *error-report-silent* was t) assume a value of NIL for the computation where the error occurred. Again as before, this may cascade to cause other errors and may make the results of computation invalid, so use these two values with care. 2.1.0 - inherit-with-overrides behavior has changed. For queries on an instance's inherit-with-overrides slots: OLD behavior (2.0.*): If there is already a value on the instance's slot, stop and return that. If not, find the "most specific inherited value", i.e., climb the class hierarchy until a value is found and return that. NEW behavior (2.1.*): Find any value on the instance's slot AND the most specific inherited value. If the inherited value can be unified with the local value, return the unification. Otherwise, just return the local value (i.e., the value on the instance's slot). The OLD behavior is still available using a renamed slot called simple-inherit-with-overrides. ====================================================================== 3rd level version changes: RELEASE NOTES ====================================================================== 2.5.45 - bug fixes for compatibility with CLisp 2.5.43 - rebundle the release 2.5.42 - bug fixes and efficiency optimizations 2.5.41 - locked-instance-of: If an instance _IC in class C also has (locked-instance-of (C)), then KM will not perform any *heuristic* (set) unifications that would remove C as a class of _IC. Specifically, if _ISubC is an instance of subclass SubC of C, then normally ((_IC) && (_ISubC)) would heuristically unify to (_ISubC), thus removing C as a class of the unification. But if C is locked, then ((_IC) && (_ISubC)) = (_IC _ISubC). Note that *forced* unification will still allow (_IC & _ISubC) to unify - locked-instance-of just affects heuristic unification of sets. For example, ((_Vehicle1) && (_Car1)) won't unify the two objects if _Vehicle1's class Vehicle is locked: KM> (_Vehicle1 has (instance-of (Vehicle)) (locked-instance-of (Vehicle))) KM> (_Car1 has (instance-of (Car))) KM> (Car has (superclasses (Vehicle))) KM> ((_Car1) && (_Vehicle1)) (_Car1 _Vehicle1) ; note they don't heuristically unify KM> (_Car1 &+? _Vehicle1) ; Are they heuristically unifiable? NIL ; No KM> (_Car1 &? _Vehicle1) ; Are they forcibly unifiable? (t) ; Yes KM> (_Car1 & _Vehicle1) ; Can forcibly unify them (COMMENT: (_Car1 & _Vehicle1) unified to be _Car1) (_Car1) 2.5.34-40 - Minor efficiency improvements 2.5.33 - Re-release under the Simplified BSD licence 2.5.24-32 - Bug fixes 2.5.23 - These new forms allow changing of a definition: (every now-has-definition *) ( now-has-definition *) Note, the previous definition (if any) is completely removed. To delete a definition, do this: (every now-has-definition) ( now-has-definition) 2.5.22 - Bug fix 2.5.21 - Additional rollback mechanism which is not so memory-intensive as (undo) or get-kb/put-kb/store-kb/restore-kb: You can set a checkpoint and then delete all instances created since that checkpoint, excluding instances that have been unified with other instances outside this set. There are some minor risks: If you create a new class causing the taxonomy to be changed, then a deletion of this class may leave a hole in the taxonomy. Below, :with-comment nil silences the default tracing output that the functions print out. (reset-creations) Clear the record of created instances and checkpoints. (start-creations-logging [:with-comment nil]) Switch on the logging of concept creations, required for this utility. (stop-creations-logging [:with-commment nil]) Switch off the logging of concept creations (saves memory) (set-creations-checkpoint [:with-comment nil] [:checkpoint-id id] [:multiple-checkpoints t]) Create a checkpoint. By default previous checkpoints (and hence creation histories) are removed, but you can keep multiple checkpoints by :multiple-checkpoints t. If you try and set a checkpoint without first starting creations logging, then (start-creations-logging) is automatically called. (undo-creations [:with-comment nil] [:checkpoint-id id] [:remove-checkpoint t]) Delete instances created since the last checkpoint (or the checkpoint with id), except for those that have been unified with other instances outside this set.By default the checkpoint itself is not removed, so you can then create more instances and undo back to the same checkpoint. If you do remove it (:remove-checkpoint t) and multiple checkpoints were set (via set-creations-checkpoint :multiple-checkpoints t), then you can do subsequent undo-creations to undo back to the next prior checkpoints. 2.5.20 - Two new compute slots added: (the most-specific of ) (the most-general of ) Removes subsuming and subsumed classes respectively, e.g.,: KM> (the most-specific of (:set Pet Fish Pet-Fish Car Vehicle)) (Pet-Fish Car) KM> (the most-general of (:set Pet Fish Pet-Fish Car Vehicle)) (Pet Fish Vehicle) - (list-definitions []) Will list all the concept definitions in the KB (has-definition/ prototype-scope) for and all its subclasses. defaults to Thing, and thus (list-definitions) lists all definitions in the KB. 2.5.14-15 - Bug fixes 2.5.13 - You can now switch off the use of "called" tags for guiding unification by doing (setq *called-forces-unification* NIL) 2.5.6-12 - Bug fixes 2.5.4 - Default *output-precision* is now 3, rather than 2 (p60 User Manual) 2.5.3 - (X includes Y) no longer reports a KB error if Y evaluates to NIL. (Instead the expression simply evaluates to NIL). 2.5.2 - bug fix (combine-values-by-appending slot) 2.5.1 - Remove incompatibilities with LispWorks. (Thanks to Rainer Joswig for reporting the incompatibilities). 2.4.6 - Background: The User Guide states that in KM's explanation mechanism, KM explains the proof of a triple (:triple x r y) using the text in a comment assertion: (comment ) New Feature: In the structures for , , and , you may want to refer to components of the triple being proved. The keywords Value1, TheSlot, and Value2 can be used to refer to x, r, and y respectively. For example, note Value1 and Value2 below: KM> (every Person has (loves ((the likes of Self [tag1])))) KM> (comment [tag1] nil (:seq "I know that" Value1 "likes" Value2 ".") (:triple Value1 likes Value2)) KM> (the loves of (a Person with (likes ((a Dog))))) (_Dog1) KM> (justify) The loves of the person = the dog because: I know that the person likes the dog. - Justifications now start with an introductory sentence, e.g.,: "The loves of the person = the dog because:" To suppress this, do: (setq *start-justifications-with-because* nil) - Improved documentation here: Note that the Lisp function (taxonomy) takes (optionally) a concept and a relation to recursively descend. By default, the concept is #$Thing and the relation is #$subclasses, but you can use this for other purposes e.g., printing out the partonomy of a cell as follows: KM(11): (taxonomy '#$_Cell3314 '#$has-part) _Cell3314 _Chromosome3321 _Centromere3343 _Kinetochore3373 _DNA3371 _Adenine3432 _Cytosine3429 _Deoxyribose3414 _Pentose-sugar3424 _Gene3422 _Guanine3430 _Nitrogen-Base3426 _Nucleotide3420 _Nitrogen-Base3426 _Pentose-sugar3423 _Phosphate3421 _Polymer3413 _Adenine3411 _Cytosine3419 _Guanine3418 _Nucleotide3420 ... _Thymine3410 _Strand3404 _Thymine3431 _Protein3370 _Polymer3389 _Amino-Acid3388 _Gene3344 _Protein3346 _Polymer3355 _Amino-Acid3354 _Cytoplasm3320 _Plasma-membrane3318 _Protein3332 _Carbohydrate3333 _Polymer3330 _Amino-Acid3331 _Ribosome3316 2.4.5 - bug fix 2.4.4 - bug fix 2.4.3 - (record-explanations [slots]) eg. (record-explanations '#$(has-part is-inside)) record-explanations now takes an optional argument, which, if provided, should be a list of slots. If given, only explanations for those slots (and their inverses) are recorded. This is to optionally reduce the size of the explanation database built during reasoning. 2.4.2 - Added some extra error checking with prototype functions 2.4.1 - bug fix 2.4.0 - The semantics of KM expressions: (the instances of ...) (the all-instances of ...) and the equivalent Lisp functions: (all-instances ) (immediate-instances ) have been slightly changed so that these expressions no longer include protoinstances (instances that are part of KM prototypes, i.e., have a value on the prototype-participant-of slot) in their returned values. This change only affects people using KM's prototype mechanism. This change is to avoid users accidentally triggering inference with protoinstances (not allowed) when using the above constructs in a KB. (Note that protoinstances still have an instance-of assertion on their frames, they are just not returned by the above functions). 2.3.2-4 - Bug fixes. 2.3.1 - Small efficiency improvement. 2.3.0 - KM did eager classification for traditional has-definitions, but lazy classification for prototype-scope definitions. 2.3.0 changes this to make both eager. 2.2.33 - Bug fix. 2.2.32 - Improved implementation of multidepth paths. 2.2.31 - Bug fix. 2.2.30 - Bug fixes for the Theory mechanism. Note that if you are in theory T, and (see-theory T2), then information may be (irreversibly) transferred from T2 to T when queries are issued. 2.2.29 - :include-explanationsp keyword added to save-kb, e.g., KM> (save-kb "" :include-explanationsp t) This option causes the explanation database to be included in the .km file (see Chapter 19 of the User Manual) 2.2.26-28 - Bug fixes - Typo in User Manual: The parameter *automatic-classification* (line 2 on p67) should be *recursive-classification* 2.2.25 - Extend explanation mechanism to explain number and string slot-values (not previously covered) - Error in User Manual: The query at the end of p63 (Section 17.2.2): KM> (the sum of (the cost of (the Wheel parts of (a Nissan)))) should instead read KM> (the sum of (the cost of (the bag of (the Wheel parts of (a Nissan))))) as described in Section 14.2.4 (Arithmetic). Thanks to Andre Renard for reporting this! 2.2.24 - Bug fix for AURA. 2.2.22 - Bug fix. 2.2.21 - Unification preferences updated. The full list is: ((X1 Y1) && (Y2 X2)) - prefer (X1 & X2), even if Y is sub/superclass of X ((X1 X2) && (X4 X3)) - prefer (X1 & X3) if X1's slots+values are a subset/superset of X3's (and not of X4's) ((X1 X2) && (X4 X3)) - prefer (X1 & X3) if X1 and X3 use the same set of slots on their instances (and X1 and X4 do not) Otherwise: match according to the ordering in each list 2.2.20 - Plug a couple of gaps in the explanation database (HLO-2447) 2.2.19 - Fixed: Constraints *don't* override normal expressions with inherit-with-overrides 2.2.18 - Bug fix 2.2.16-7 - Updates for AURA 2.2.15 - Minor changes (eq -> eql, =) to make KM compatible with ABCL -- Thank you to Nate Blaylock! 2.2.6-14 - Bug fixes 2.2.5 - Changed behavior for (trace-to-file-on "trace.txt") (see 2.0.65 below): - Interactive tracing is now written BOTH to file AND the console. - If interactive tracing is switched off (trace option "z"), then output is to file ONLY until interactive tracing is switched back on again (e.g., triggered by a KM error message). This way, long traces can be written to file, but controlled at the console. - Tracing parameter *show-inference-numbers*: As normal, option "g" when tracing, or (show-goal-stack) at the Lisp prompt, lists KM's goal stack. New: If *show-inference-numbers* is set to t (default NIL), then the stack listing is modified to also show the inference number of each item (printed in the left-hand margin). This allows you to see how early each call was placed on the stack during reasoning. 2.2.4 - Bug fix 2.2.3 - Added KM and Lisp command (ophans), returns frames which have no taxonomic information (subclasses,superclasses,instances,instance-of) declared for them. - Added *on-error* option 'continue-silently, a synonym for 'ignore. The full list of *on-error* options below (2.2.0) has been updated to include this synonym. - Minor manual correction: range2 and range3, briefly mentioned in Section 29.1.2, are not implemented in or used by KM. - Slightly updated handling of errors: (km ) and (km-unique ) return FOUR arguments: - result of evaluating - if errors occurred, a list of strings describing then (1 per error) - if errors occurred, a list of structures describing them (1 per error) - if any warnings occurred, a list of strings (1 per warning) CHANGES in 2.2.3 are as follows: - arguments 2 and 3 are now a LIST of errors, not a SINGLE error - args 2 and 3 will ALWAYS contain a list of errors that occurred, even if *on-error* = continue/continue-silently/ignore. - For arg 3 (the error structure), if no special structure is defined to describe it (see notes for KM 2.0.62 below), then arg3 will be the KM call that generated the error. 2.2.2 - Bug fix for AURA - Added extra *on-error* option of "break", see below under 2.2.0 2.2.1 - Bug fix for AURA 2.2.0 - **NOTE** The parameters controlling behavior on errors have been rationalized to a single parameter. *abort-on-error-report*, *error-report-silent*, and *silently-abort-on-error-report* NO LONGER DO ANYTHING. Instead use the NEW variable *on-error* to define behavior on errors, with the following allowed values: VALUE KM'S BEHAVIOR ON ERRORS ===== ======================= abort Report error and do not continue, instead immediately return NIL. abort-silently Don't report error and do not continue, instead immediately return NIL. continue Report error and continue continue-silently Don't report error and continue ignore [ synonym for continue-silently ] debug Report error and turn on debugger [DEFAULT] break Report error and break to Lisp e.g., (setq *on-error* 'continue) NOTE that with continuation (*on-error* = continue or ignore), KM will (as before when *error-report-silent* was t) assume a value of NIL for the computation where the error occurred. Again as before, this may cascade to cause other errors and may make the results of computation invalid, so use these two values with care. 2.1.39 - Change to the way prototypes are indexed: Previously: If you query an instance's slot, KM searches all prototypes whose PROTOTYPE-OF class(es) cover the instance, to see if those prototypes apply (and if so clones and unifies them in). New: If you query an instance's slot, KM searches all prototypes whose PROTOTYPE-SCOPE class(es) cover the instance, to see if those prototypes apply (and if so clones and unifies them in). 2.1.38 - API additions for use in the AURA system (no base KM changes) 2.1.37 - (setq *active-obj-stack* t) will make KM place objects more aggressively on the object stack, namely whenever they are encountered in an assertion to the KB (even if they are not new instances). - ( also-hasnt ( ())) This will DELETE on 's . If doesn't exist, KM will print a (non-interrupting) warning to the console. NOTE: KM won't undo inferences that depend on , i.e., there's no truth maintenance. Use with great care. 2.1.36 - User Manual Section 15.1 clarification: When do objects get placed on the object stack? Only when a *new* instance is created (has an assertion made about it): (X has (Y (Z))) - X will be added if X is a new instance. Z will be added if Z is a new instance. 2.1.32-35 - API additions for use in the AURA system (no base KM changes) 2.1.31 - (undo) will now unwind changes to the object stack. 2.1.30 - Bug fix (get-kb/put-kb failed to save the classification enabled/disabled state, now fixed). 2.1.28,29 - API additions/fixes for use in the AURA system (no base KM changes) 2.1.27 - Bug fix (save-kb/load-kb failed to save the classification enabled/disabled state, now fixed). - Tiny tweaks to allow KM to load under SBCL (Thanks to Tim Menzies) 2.1.24-26 - API additions for use in the AURA system (no base KM changes) 2.1.20-23 - Bug fixes. 2.1.19 - (km ) and (km-unique ) now return FOUR arguments: - result of evaluating - if an error occurred, a string describing it - if an error occurred, a structure describing it - if any warnings occurred, a list of strings (1 per warning) <- NEW - Below notes an incompleteness in KM, caused by (i) KM replacing a path with the result of evaluating a path and (ii) caching that the expression containing the path no longer needs to be re-inherited. If the KB changes so the path result is different, the path has been lost and thus won't be re-evaluated. KM> (every Person has (spouse ((a Spouse))) (likes ((a Thing with (owned-by ((the spouse of Self))))))) KM> (a Person) (_Person16) KM> (the owned-by of (the likes of _Person16)) (_Spouse18) ; NOTE: has evaluated and replaced the path ; (the spouse of _Person16) with the result _Spouse18 KM> (_Person16 has (spouse (*Sue))) ; now add new info to the KB [1] KM> (showme _Person16) (_Person16 has (instance-of (Person)) (likes (_Thing17)) (spouse (((_Spouse18) && (*Sue))))) KM> (the owned-by of (the likes of _Person16)) (_Spouse18) As the path (the spouse of Self) was earlier replaced by the result, _Spouse18, the last query does not re-evaluate the path and trigger unification of the &&. Note also that the last query (the likes of _Person16) won't re-inherit and re-evaluate the (a Thing...) expression to the likes slot of Person16 (which would allow the path (the spouse of _Person16) to be re-inherited to owned-by slot on _Thing17), as KM has already cached that _Thing17 was derived from that expression, blocking re-inheriting it. We can overcome this latter issue by clearing the entire cache after the KB changes (i.e., after [1]), at the expense of efficiency, via: (clear-evaluation-cache) Then we will get the desired result: KM> (the owned-by of (the likes of _Person16)) (*Sue) 2.1.18 - Bug fix 2.1.17 - Check that an instance/class doesn't have mutually inconsistent classes/superclasses (defined by Partitions) when asserting it into the KB, and report an error if a problem is found. If a partition violation occurs, and the tracer is switched off (by setting *abort-on-error-report* to t), then a structured error is returned (see comments under 2.0.62 below) of the form: (partition-violation ) where is either |instance-of| or |superclasses|. For example: USER: (setq *abort-on-error-report* t) USER: (km '#$(a Partition with (members (Male Female)))) USER: (km '#$(X has (instance-of (Male Female)))) Returns THREE values: val1-> nil val2-> "ERROR! Partition violation! X instance-of (Male Female): Some of these classes are mutually exclusive, _Partition1 violated" val3-> (partition-violation X instance-of (Male Female) (_Partition1)) NOTE (KM 2.1.20 and later): For a partition violation like this: USER: (km '#$(a Partition with (members (Male Female)))) USER: (km '#$(Male has (superclasses (Female)))) The structured val3 will look like this: (partition-violation Male superclasses (Male Female) (_Partition1)) Note that here the include Male, i.e., show how the partition was violated (rather than just list the asserted value Female). Thus in this case don't read as meaning the user asserted ( has ( )). 2.1.16 - ***EXPERIMENTAL AND MAY CHANGE*** Retaining expressions on instances: Normally after KM evaluates an expression on an instance's slot, the expression is replaced with the result, e.g., KM> (_Car1 has (parts ((a Engine)))) KM> (the parts of _Car1) (_Engine1) KM> (showme _Car1) (_Car1 has (parts (_Engine1))) However, we can make KM retain the original expression by wrapping it in a (retain-expr ) wrapper like this: KM> (_Car1 has (parts ((retain-expr (a Engine))))) KM> (the parts of _Car1) (_Engine1) KM> (showme _Car1) (_Car1 has (parts (_Engine1 (retain-expr (a Engine))))) KM> (the parts of _Car1) (_Engine1) This capability has been added for special reasons for the AURA system, and should NOT be used otherwise without good reason. NOTES AND LIMITATIONS: - Each time the slot is queried, the retain-expr will be re-evaluated UNLESS there is already a value on that slot that was created by an earlier evaluation of the retained expression. In this case, KM considers the retained expression "used", and won't reapply it. (The motivation for this is to avoid repeatedly creating new instances for instance-creating (retain-expr (a ...)) structures) - KM tells whether a value "was created by an earlier evaluation of the retained expression" by looking in KM's explanation database. Thus the explanation facility should not be switched off while using retain-expr (or, if it is switched off, then the retained expr will ALWAYS be re-evaluated each time the slot it is on is queried). - Unlike normal slot-value expressions, duplicate retain-exprs WILL be removed. Thus do not write: (_Person1 has (parts ((retain-expr (a Leg)) (retain-expr (a Leg)) as this will be simplified to (_Person1 has (parts ((retain-expr (a Leg))))) resulting in a one-legged person. Instead, you should write: (_Person1 has (parts ((retain-expr (:set (a Leg) (a Leg)))))) 2.1.15 - API modifications for use in the AURA system (save-prototype tweak). 2.1.14 - Minor bug fix (looping detector with constraints) 2.1.13 - Removed the distinction between Lisp calls (km ...) and (km0 ...) (Section 25 of the KM User Manual). It is no longer necessary to call (km0 ...) rather than (km ...) for recursive calls to KM -- now (km ...) can be universally called and KM itself will keep track of whether it is a recursive call or not. Users should phase out use of (km0 ...) and just use (km ...), although it is not an error to keep using km0. Similarly, km-unique0 can be phased out (just use km-unique instead). - (forall-seq nil ...) now returns nil (rather than generates an error) - (forall-bag nil ...) now returns nil (rather than generates an error) 2.1.12 - Fix typo (only affects unpacking KM into separate files, no functional change) 2.1.11 - Added a simple profiling mechanism: KM> (profile (the parts of (a Car))) CPU-TIME # CALLS 0.12 1 (the parts of (a Car)) 0.03 1 (a Engine) For the evaluation of this expression, the system reports the total CPU time that each subgoal was on the stack, and also the number of times it was on the stack (top 100 entries shown). This allows the user to see which the time-consuming items in the evaluation. (Note that CPU time is summed over all times an expression was on the stack, i.e., average CPU time per call is CPU time / # calls). CPU time is in seconds. KM> (profile-report) KM> (profile-report 200) Reprint the profile from the last (profile ) call, showing the top n (default 100) entries. 2.1.10 - Very special-case extension for unifying prototypes: inherit-with-overrides slots normally does NOT apply to unifying (clones of) prototypes. If there is an error, then the unification is aborted potentially leaving two partially unified structures. However, a very limited form of inherit-with-overrides for prototypes has been implemented as follows: IF values from two clones C1 and C2 are being unified AND the slot is declared as an inherit-with-overrides slot AND the values are NOT KB objects (frames) (for example: 1, (:pair 2 *kg), "hello") THEN the value(s) from C1 will override the value(s) from C2 i.e., the values from C2 are dropped When KM unifies clones of an instance's class's prototypes, it does so in a specific-to-general order. As a result, the above rule has the effect that values on the more specific class's prototype override the values on the more general class's prototype. 2.1.3-9 - Bug fixes and API modifications 2.1.2 - Missing from the original KM Documentation: (evaluate '): evaluates a quoted KM expression. KM> (evaluate '(1 + 2)) (3) 2.1.1 - *ONLY* for (the-class ...) expressions: Introduced the use of variables to express coreference. A variable starts with a "?". It can be used to denote a slot value OR can be used in the special form ( == (a ...)) to denote a slot value of a particular type. For example: (the-class Rectangle with (length (?x)) (width (?x))) (the-class Rectangle with (length ((?x == (a Number)))) (width (?x))) both denote the class of Rectangles with equal length and width (i.e., squares). A variable binds to a single slot value. IMPORTANT NOTES: - This use of variables is ONLY for the-class expressions, and can't be used elsewhere (e.g., in has-definition or has expression). - For slots with multiple values, if there is ambiguity about which value maches which variable KM will *NOT BACKTRACK* to retry different bindings if the first one fails (This is a limitation of the current implementation). As a result, try to make the bindings unambiguous by qualifying variables with type information, e.g., (the-class Car with (parts ((?x == (a Engine)) (?y == (a Chassis))))) rather than: (the-class Car with (parts (?x ?y))) 2.1.0 - inherit-with-overrides behavior has changed. For queries on an instance's inherit-with-overrides slots: OLD behavior (2.0.*): If there is already a value on the instance's slot, stop and return that. If not, find the "most specific inherited value", i.e., climb the class hierarchy until a value is found and return that. NEW behavior (2.1.*): Find any value on the instance's slot AND the most specific inherited value. If the inherited value can be unified with the local value, return the unification. Otherwise, just return the local value (i.e., the value on the instance's slot). The OLD behavior is still available using a renamed slot called simple-inherit-with-overrides. - NOW-HAS expressions (additional info, no functional change): If the same slot is used multiple times in the same (every ...) expr, later values will overwrite earlier values: KM> (every Car now-has (parts ((a Engine) (a Seat))) (parts ((a Wheel) (a Chassis)))) KM> (showme Car) (every Car has (parts ((a Wheel) (a Chassis)))) - New Lisp function (save-frame [:stream :slots-to-show :include-explanationsp ]) Writes the frame for to (default t). Default is to show all slots and no explanations; keyword arguments change this. e.g., (save-frame '#$Car :slots-to-show '#$(parts age)) 2.0.66 - bug fix for handling prototypes 2.0.65 - (trace-to-file-on "trace.txt") (trace-to-file-off) Redirects KM tracing output to a file, rather than the console. These can be issued both at the Lisp and KM prompts. 2.0.64 - (check-for-cycles) [Lisp function] Returns NIL if there are no cycles in the taxonomy, or the cycle as a list of successive superclasses, with the first and last elements being the same, if there are: USER: (km '#$(Car has (superclasses (Vehicle)))) USER: (km '#$(Vehicle has (superclasses (Car)))) USER: (check-for-cycles) (Car Vehicle Car) If there is more than one cycle, only the first encountered is returned. 2.0.63 - API modifications for use in the AURA system. 2.0.62 - - Extra keyword argument added to (put-kb [:unintern-symbols t]) (restore-kb [:unintern-symbols t]) If unintern-symbols = t, KM uninterns (removes from the symbol table) any symbols used in the current (to be reset) KB, but not used in the to-be-restored KB. NOTES: - only uninterns anonymous instance symbols (starting with "_") to avoid symbols in use elsewhere - use with caution if KM's anonymous instances are stored outside KM (e.g., in a global variable, e.g., if multiple KBs are stored in memory from (get-kb) calls), as these symbols will lose their package information if uninterned. - (km ) now returns THREE rather than TWO values: - result of evaluating - if an error occurred, a string describing it - if an error occurred, a structure describing it <-- NEW For this new third value, currently only constraint violation errors are returned as a structure with the following formats: 1. set constraint violations (error-type = '|set-constraint|) (set-constraint ) eg (set-constraint _Car1 parts (_Engine1 _Engine3) (exactly 1 Engine)) (set-constraint _Car1 parts (_Engine1 _Engine3) (at-most 1 Engine)) (note, there may be other slot-values, but these aren't returned) 2. val constraint violations (error-type = '|constraint|) (constraint ) eg (constraint _Car1 parts _Person2 (must-be-a Artifact)) (constraint _Car1 parts _Move3 (mustnt-be-a Event)) (constraint (_Car1 maker *Foo (possible-values *GM *Ford *Mercedes))) USAGE: From the Lisp prompt, ensure that the global variables controlling errors are set correctly (see Section 26.2, p85-86 in the User Manual): (let ((*abort-on-error-report* t) (*error-report-silent* nil)) (km )) 2.0.61 - API modifications for use in the AURA system. 2.0.60 - (clear-situations) - clears all situation-specific info from memory and takes KM out of situations mode. - (keeping-kb ... ) keeping-kb (a Lisp macro) evals all , but then undoes (using KM's undo mechanism) any side-effects in the KB. It returns the results of evaluating the last . e.g., USER: (reset-kb) USER: (keeping-kb (km '#$(a Car))) (_Car1) USER: (showme '#$_Car1) ;;; (Concept _Car1 is not declared anywhere in the KB) Thanks to Francis Leboutte for this utility. - Bug fix: (delete ) now works with (undo) 2.0.56-59 - API modifications for use in the AURA system. 2.0.55 - API modifications for use in the AURA system. A few small optimizations (thanks to Francis Leboutte). 2.0.54 - Minor extension to explanations with prototypes. 2.0.53 - Tiny bug fix to get-explanations with constraints. 2.0.52 - Bug fixes. Thanks to Fabien Dubail, Jason Chaw, and Sam (sds). 2.0.51 - Fix inefficiency in (get-all-concepts) introduced in 2.0.50 2.0.50 - Already in KM: (save-kb "") saves the KB as a .km file (fastsave-kb "tmp.fkm") saves the KB as a faster-loading .fkm file KM 2.0.50 adds a third option: (faslsave-kb "tmp.fkm") does fastsave-kb AND Lisp-compiles it for even faster loading (.fasl extension in Allegro Lisp). (load-newest-kb ) loads the most recently written version of (.km, .fkm, or .fasl). does not need an extension (KM works out the most recent extension, and given extension is ignored). Thanks to Francis Leboutte for these additions. 2.0.49 - Modification of experimental functions, no KM change 2.0.48 - New optional keyword argument (... :reset-kb nil) added to save-kb and fastsave-kb. By default, save-kb and fastsave-kb include a (reset-kb) at the start of the saved KB. This keyword suppresses this. (save-kb "" [:reset-kb nil]) (fastsave-kb "myfile.fkm" [:reset-kb nil]) 2.0.{45,46,47} - Modification of experimental functions, no KM change 2.0.44 - New experimental functions added for prototypes, to be documented later. No functional change to KM's normal behavior. 2.0.43 - Improved heuristics for unifying prototype clones together 2.0.42 - Obscure bug fix 2.0.41 - Extended and added the new KM commands for situation-based simulation: (do []) (do-and-next []) (try-do []) (try-do-and-next []) (do-concurrently []) (do-concurrently-and-next []) * (do ...) and (try-do ...) are as documented in the Situations manual, executing and testing executability of an action. * (do-concurrently ...) executes all from the same current situation, with a single resulting next situation. (Caveat: KM will not recognize or handle interference between ). * The subsequent situation following the action is if given, or a newly generated situation if not. * (...-and-next ...) causes KM to also change to the next situation; otherwise, KM remains in the current situation. 2.0.40 - Internal code changes to make KM run more smoothly on LispWorks. (Thanks to Raphael Van Dyck and Francis Leboutte) 2.0.39 - Added: (the seq2bag of ) - converts a single sequence to a bag (the bag2seq of ) - converts a single bag to a sequence - To remove an incompleteness, there is a minor change in the way backward chaining and classification are interleaved in KM: Classifications on newly created instances for a slot are now postponed until those values have actually been asserted on that slot (previously, classification kicked in at creation time rather than after assert time). 2.0.38 - Before: If you asserted a slot as an instance of a class, KM automatically asserted that the inverse slot was also a member of that class. Now: This has been removed, the assumption is not always valid. 2.0.37 - slight relaxation of caching in KM to overcome a reported bug 2.0.36 - bug fix (reset-kb) only removes KM info from property lists, rather than all 2.0.35 - Change prev-situation to be a multi-valued slot 2.0.34 - bug fix 2.0.33 - (setq *classify-slotless-instances* nil) will prevent KM trying to classify newly created instances which have no explicit slot-values. This is an optional efficiency improvement (default value is t). 2.0.32 - bug fix 2.0.31 - allow :incomplete keyword on slots, which informs KM more values may be arriving. This blocks definitions based on (exactly ..) or (at-most ...) constraints being satisfied, as :incomplete suggests new values may be added. This is an experimental addition for use in the AURA project. 2.0.30 - speed up reasoning with large numbers of defined concepts 2.0.29 - speed up reasoning with large numbers of defined concepts - add has-clones slot, the inverse of cloned-from 2.0.28 - bug fix (tiny change to unification algorithm) 2.0.27 - speed up reasoning with large numbers of defined concepts. NOTE: KM's implementation of Partition only assumes the partition's members are mutually exclusive, but not necessarily exhaustive. 2.0.26 - update to KM's explanation mechanism 2.0.25 - rename (install-all-subclasses) as (clean-taxonomy) - prevent KM adding in potentially redundant superclasses with has-definition expressions. 2.0.24 - bug fix 2.0.23 - KM's explanation mechanism has been extended for use with prototypes. Note that to add comment tags within prototypes, the user would need to work directly with the internal prototype representation. As with explanations in traditional KM, comment tags can be placed on slot-value expressions, e.g.,: (Black-Cat has (superclasses (Cat))) (_Black-Cat1 has (instance-of (Black-Cat)) (prototype-of (Cat)) (prototype-scope (Black-Cat)) (prototype-participants (_Black-Cat1)) (color ((*black [Comment1])))) (comment [Comment1] (:seq "Therefore," Self "is black.") (:seq "All black cats are black.")) (*Suzie == (a Black-Cat)) (the color of *Suzie) ;;; Now: (justify (:triple *Suzie color *)) ;;; Produces: All black cats are black. Therefore, suzie is black. Comment tags can also be attached to prototype-scope expressions (i.e., the definitional properties of the prototype). If an instance satisfies the prototype-scope class definition, and thus the prototype is applied and the instance becomes an instance-of that class, then the comment tag explains why that instance is an instance-of the class: (Black-Cat has (superclasses (Cat))) (_Black-Cat1 has (instance-of (Black-Cat)) (prototype-of (Cat)) (prototype-scope ((the-class Cat with (color (*black)) [Comment2]))) (prototype-participants (_Black-Cat1)) (color (*black))) (comment [Comment2] (:seq "Therefore," Self "is a black cat.") (:seq "All cats which are black are black cats")) (*Suzie == (a Cat with (color (*black)))) (the color of *Suzie) ;;; Now: (justify (:triple *Suzie instance-of *)) ;;; Produces: All cats which are black are black cats Therefore, suzie is a black cat. NOTE: The justification is applied ONLY IF the prototype causes the class of the instance to change (specialize). Above, if *Suzie was already an instance-of Black-Cat, the justification would not be passed to *Suzie. 2.0.22 - (disable-classification) now also disables classification through the prototype mechanism - Code modification for load-exprs to avoid stack overflow in Lispworks (thanks to Francis Leboutte) 2.0.21 - Bug fix in simpleload-kb. Small extension to the explanation engine. 2.0.20 - Bug fix for (in-every-situation ...) construct 2.0.19 - Fix bug in error reporting accidentally introduced in 2.0.18 - KM now reports an error if there are cycles in the taxonomy 2.0.18 - bug fix for KM's explanation mechanism 2.0.17 - New parameter: *silently-abort-on-error-report* Like *abort-on-error-report*, except this also suppresses the error message printed in the console (Thanks to Francis Leboutte) - #t reader macro added (thanks to Francis Leboutte) Allows expressions within a #$ expression to be written just as at the normal Lisp prompt, rather than needing special package/case info. For example, as well as writing: (let ((car-instance (first (km '#$(the all-instances of Car))))) (km `#$(the parts of ,USER::CAR-INSTANCE))) you can now write equivalently: (let ((car-instance (first (km '#$(the all-instances of Car))))) (km `#$(the parts of ,#tcar-instance))) - modification to prototype application. Now KM will not attempt to unify in a prototype while unifying in a prototype (no recursive prototype application). - (showme-strings ) - Lisp function (not available at KM prompt). Like showme, except returns a string or list of strings describing , rather than just the list of s shown. 2.0.16 - Bug fix 2.0.15 - Bug fix for domains/ranges with multiple classes 2.0.14 - New built-in classes Pair, Triple, Sequence, and Bag added. Instances of these classes (and their superclasses) will now unify with :pair, :triple, :sequence, and :bag structures respectively. (Pair and Triple are subclasses of Sequence). Note that if such unifications occur, any slot-values on those instances will be dropped. - Redundant superclasses are now removed at assertion time, e.g.: KM> (Super2 has (superclasses (Super1))) KM> (Super3 has (superclasses (Super1 Super2))) ; Super1 redundant KM> (the superclasses of Super3) (Super2) ; note redundant Super1 removed 2.0.13 - Code changes to make KM loadable under Lispworks and SBCL (Thanks to Brian Mastenbrook and Francis Leboutte) - Remove hyphens printed by (get-justification [triple]) 2.0.12 - KM no longer needs to be preloaded before compiling! (Thanks to Brian Mastenbrook for explaining how to do this). - Explanation (comment tag) text is now formatted with make-phrase, rather than make-sentence, meaning that a period (".") is no longer automatically appended to explanation strings. - Small code tweaks so KM compiles under Lispworks (thanks to Francis Leboutte) 2.0.11 - no functional change (internal tweaks for CALO added) 2.0.6-10 - bug fixes and efficiency improvements 2.0.5 - Load-order independence for multifile KBs: (load-kb :load-patterns ) can now include a wildcard ?* denoting zero or more elements in a list. To ensure load order independence when loading multifile KBs, doing the following multipass load should work: (reset-kb) (load-kb :load-patterns '#$((?x has ?* (inverse ?y) ?*))) (load-kb :load-patterns '#$((?x has ?* (superclasses ?y) ?*))) (load-kb :load-patterns '#$((every &rest))) (load-kb ) where the 4 passes above correspond to loading: slot inverses, ontology, class axioms, and everything else. (Each pass should be applied to *all* files to be loaded, before moving onto the next pass). 2.0.4 - tweaks for compatibility with CLISP 2.0.3 - bug fixes 2.0.2 - bug fixes 2.0.1 - Prototypes: prototype-scope slot: Now allows multiple definitions for a prototype 2.0 - A new KM Manual has just been released and is up to date. SITUATIONS MANUAL ================= - IMPORTANT!!: The default fluent-status of slots is now *Fluent, *NOT* *Inertial-Fluent. Make sure the fluent-status of your slots are set correctly -- See the KM Situations Manual, Section 6.2, p23-24 for the rules to follow. - (do-script ). Obsolete. This is equivalent to (forall (the actions of ) (do-and-next It)) - (try-do ) (try-do-and-next ) Behaves like (do ), (do-and-next ) except it *tests* rather than *asserts* the preconditions of , and returns NIL if the preconditions are not satisfied. Set the global variable *interactive-preconditions* to t if you would like KM to then interactively ask the user whether to assume any unsatisfied preconditions are true. Section 10.3 - Changing instance-of relations between situations: - For efficiency, instance-of and instances are now, by default, *Non-Fluent slots (previously were *Inertial-Fluent). Their fluent status can be set to be *Inertial-Fluent using the special commands: (instance-of-is-fluent) This means that the example given here needs to be preceded by this command. (reset-kb) sets it back again. Peter Clark ====================================================================== APPENDIX: NOTING KM ERRORS DURING REASONING ====================================================================== When an error occurs, as well as (by default) reporting it to the user and switching on the debugger, KM also stores a note of the error in a global variable. (km-errors) - returns the list of errors that have occurred (clear-km-errors) - clears this list This allows a program calling KM to see a structured form of the errors which occurred during reasoning, if any. (In addition to the text string value returned by (km ...) if an error occurs - see User Manual). NOTES: - Error recording is NOT part of KM's undo mechanism, i.e., an (undo) will not remove a recorded error from the list. - Errors are still recorded even if *error-report-silent* is set to t (= no textual error report and debugger activation)