Project for Interactive Learning from Language Advice and
The goal of the PILLAR project is to broaden the communication
channel between machine learners and their human teachers. This
can be achieved (1) by allowing human users to give natural
language advice to help a reinforcement learning agent improve
performance; and (2) by allowing agents to actively solicit
advice and other forms of tutorial feedback when it is needed.
This is joint work with Prof. Jude Shavlik's
research group in Department
of Computer Sciences at the
University of Wisconsin at Madison.
The project is supported by a grant HR0011-04-1-0007 from the
DARPA Information Processing Technology Office. Any opinions,
findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of DARPA or the US Government.
The PILLAR researchers at UT meet biweekly to discuss papers in
the areas of reinforcement learning and natural language
learning. Our next scheduled meeting will be on 6/1/2005
(Wed) at 11:00 am in ACES 3.408, where we
will discuss:
Richard Maclin, Jude Shavlik, Lisa Torrey, Trevor Walker and
Edward Wild
Giving Advice about Preferred
Actions to Reinforcement Learners via Knowledge-Based Kernel
To appear in Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2005), 2005.
Previously discussed papers
Lilyana Mihalkova and Raymond Mooney, Using
Active Relocation to Aid Reinforcement Learning.
Under Review, 2005.
Trevor Walker, Jude Shavlik and Richard Maclin, Relational
Reinforcement Learning via Sampling the Space of First-Order
Conjunctive Features.
In Proceedings of the ICML Workshop on Relational
Reinforcement Learning, Banff, Canada, 2004.
Ashwin Srinivasan, A
Study of Two Probabilistic Methods for Searching Large Spaces
with ILP.
Technical Report PRG-TR-16-00, Oxford University Computing
Laboratory, Oxford, 2000.
Kurt Driessens and Saso Dzeroski,
Integrating Guidance into Relational Reinforcement
Learning. Machine Learning, 57 (3):
271-304, December 2004.
Ana-Maria Popescu, Alex Armanasu, Oren Etzioni, David Ko and
Alexander Yates,
Modern Natural Language Interfaces to Databases: Composing
Statistical Parsing with Semantic Tractability.
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on
Computational Linguistics (COLING), 2004.
Ana-Maria Popescu, Oren Etzioni and Henry Kautz,
Towards a Theory of Natural Language Interfaces to
Databases. In Proceedings of the International
Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2003.
Pieter Abbeel and Andrew Y. Ng,
Apprenticeship Learning via Inverse Reinforcement
Learning. In Proceedings of the Twenty-first
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2004.
Andrew Y. Ng and Stuart Russell,
Algorithms for Inverse Reinforcement Learning. In
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on
Machine Learning, 2000.
Eduardo Morales and Claude Sammut, Learning to Fly by
Combining Reinforcement with Behavioural Cloning. In
Proceedings of the Twenty-first International Conference on
Machine Learning, 2004.
David Andre and Stuart Russell,
Programmable Reinforcement Learning Agents. In
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
13, 2001.
David Andre and Stuart Russell,
State Abstraction for Programmable Reinforcement Learning
Agents. In Proceedings of AAAI-02, 2002.
Vinay Papudesi and Manfred Huber,
Learning from Reinforcement and Advice Using Composite Reward
Functions. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth
International FLAIRS Conference, pp. 361-365, 2003.
Vinay Papudesi, Y. Wang, Manfred Huber and Diane Cook,
Integrating User Commands and Autonomous Task Performance in a
Reinforcement Learning Framework. In Proceedings
of AAAI Spring Symposium on Human Interaction with Autonomous
Systems in Complex Environments, 2003.
Scott Huffman and John Laird, Flexibly
Instructable Agents. Journal of Artificial
Intelligence Research 3, pp. 271-324, 1995.
Paul Utgoff and Jeffery Clouse,
Two Kinds of Training Information for Evaluation Function
Learning. In Proceedings of the Ninth National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 596-600, 1991.
Jeffery Clouse and Paul Utgoff, A Teaching Method for
Reinforcement Learning. In Proceedings of the Ninth
International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 92-101,
Rohit J. Kate, Yuk Wah Wong and Raymond J. Mooney, Learning
to Transform Natural to Formal Languages. In the
Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI-2005), July 2005.
Richard Maclin, Jude Shavlik, Lisa Torrey, Trevor Walker and
Edward Wild, Giving Advice about Preferred
Actions to Reinforcement Learners via Knowledge-Based Kernel
In the Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2005), July 2005.
Ruifang Ge and Raymond J. Mooney, A
Statistical Semantic Parser that Integrates Syntax and
Semantics. To appear in Proceedings of the Ninth
Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
(CONLL-05), June 2005.
Gregory Kuhlmann, Peter Stone, Raymond Mooney and Jude
Shavlik, Guiding
a Reinforcement Learner with Natural Language Advice: Initial
Results in RoboCup Soccer. In the AAAI-2004
Workshop on Supervisory Control of Learning and Adaptive
Systems, July 2004.
Researchers at UT
Researchers at U-Wisc
Yuk Wah Wong
Last modified: Wed Feb 2 12:56:26 CST 2005