Dr. Nell B. Dale:
Home Pages

University of Texas Computer Sciences Department

Welcome to my home page. You have reached the web address of Nell Dale, Senior Lecturer in Computer Sciences at the http://www.utexas.edu/University of Texas at Austin. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Sciences in 1972 from UT Austin and have been on the faculty here since 1975. I retired from full-time teaching in the summer of 1994. I now spend my time writing and traveling.

Please feel free to browse in any of my rooms: the resume room, which contains my curriculum vita, the bibliography room, which contains information on recent text books I have authored or co-authored, and the research room, which contains abstracts of dissertations that I have co-chaired.

Please direct any correspondence to my e-mail account: ndale@cs.utexas.edu.

  1. Professional Profile
  2. Publications
  3. Research Interests
  4. St. Michael's Episcopal church
  5. Austin Lyric Opera
  6. Computer Science Illuminated Labs


Nell B. Dale, 1200 Westlake Dr., Austin, Tx. 78746 (fax-office) 512-327-3576