Understanding Napier's Bones


Go to Understanding Napier's Bones at http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~greg/calculators/napier/

            Click and read the section "A Great Man."

            Click and read the section "All About Rods."

            Run the Java Simulation.*

*You may have trouble with the demonstration and simulation on some browsers.  If so, just skip to the next item.

Go to http://mathworld.wolfram.com/NapiersBones.html

      Read the information.

      Multiply 9 times 739 using the technique shown at this site.

      http://users.ju.edu/ssundbe/bones.html is another site that demonstrates how to multiply using Napier's bones. Which sites is the easiest to understand? At the time of this publication, the link to a simulation from this site is incorrect.  Is it still?

Go back to http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~greg/calculators/napier/

      Rerun the Java simulation, multiplying 39 times 739.

      Construct a set of Napier's bones and use them to multiple 39 times 739.