CS 378: Study Guide for Final Exam
Date: Monday, May 5, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM on Canvas.
The exam is comprehensive. Material on the
Midterm Study Guide is included.
- (map fn list)
- (reduce fn list)
- (filter fn list)
- (fn [args] code)
- (let [var init ...] code)
- (mapcat fn list)
- Depth-first search: order of search, stack space used, Big O
- Nested tree recursion
- Backchaining: be able to do simple problems.
- depth-first search order
- use in answering why questions
- Resolution: be able to do a simple problem
- Prolog
Program Synthesis:
- Amphion: Stickel paper. What does Amphion do that is valuable?
- deductive composition of library programs: axioms represent
what library programs do, deduction proves that a goal can be
satisfied by composing library programs; proof is converted
to a program.
Expert Systems:
- Expert system domains: lack of good input data, empirical rules,
probabilistic reasoning
- Knowledge-based strategy: knowledge encoded as rules, shallow reasoning
- Rule-based systems: EMYCIN, knowledge represented as if-then rules
- Backchaining extended by ask the user.
- Bayes' Theorem: notation, formula, use in expert systems: statistics to
diagnostic rule
- Bayesian Networks: benefits
- EMYCIN certainty factors: -1 to +1, measure of belief - disbelief
- Certainty factor combination
- Data CF: SAME. KNOWN; > .2 threshold
- Antecedent CF: $AND is minimum, $OR is maximum,
TALLY is result
- Conclude CF due to rule as a whole: TALLY * CONCLUDE / 1000
- CF combinations from multiple rules:
CFp + CFn * (1 - CFp)
- commutative and associative: order does not matter
- Problems with rules: leaving out a clause, sharp edges
- Explanations using rules
- Conceptual islands, orthogonal knowledge sources
- Decision trees, rule induction: problems
- Digital low-pass filter, use as a learning mechanism
- Overfitting, tuning fallacy or training-set phenomenon:
performance on new cases
is not as good as performance on training set
Natural Language:
- Shannon information theory: encoding information with the shortest
possible message
- Zipf's law: frequently used words are short.
- Context-free grammar
- Context-free language: recursive, tree structure,
phrases can contain themselves
- Recursive descent parser: top-down; grammar rules become programs.
Left recursion causes infinite loop.
- Semantic grammar: phrases have meaning in the application domain:
reduces ambiguity
- NL access to database, physics problems
- Mapping in CS: function, array, hash table
- map, mapcat and reduce in Lisp/Clojure
- Functional programming: no side-effects means it can be distributed
- commutative and associative: order does not matter
- mapcat (mapcan in Lisp): concatenate lists
- MapReduce associates a key with each result
- Master, mapper, reducer
- Load balancing with hashing of key
- Failure and recovery
- PageRank: iterated MapReduce
alist |
ambiguity |
anaphora |
augmented transition network (ATN) |
backquote |
Bayes' Theorem |
Bayesian network |
certainty factor |
chain rule (probability) |
Chomsky hierarchy |
constructive proof |
deductive composition |
domain theory |
functional programming |
grammar |
grammatical ambiguity |
hidden Markov model |
lexical ambiguity |
lexicon |
low-pass filter |
map |
morphological analyzer |
morphology |
n-gram |
nonterminal |
overfitting |
PageRank |
parsing |
part of speech tagging |
pragmatics |
production |
propositional database |
reference |
ROC curve |
semantic grammar |
semantics |
shard |
side-effect |
syntax |
Sentence symbol |
terminal symbol |
training-set phenomenon |
Zipf's law |