@inproceedings{Li:2011:GGP:2047862.2047874, author = {Li, Yulin and Novak,Jr., Gordon S.}, title = {Generation of geometric programs specified by diagrams}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th ACM international conference on Generative programming and component engineering}, series = {GPCE '11}, year = {2011}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0689-8}, location = {Portland, Oregon, USA}, pages = {63--72}, numpages = {10}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2047862.2047874}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2047862.2047874}, acmid = {2047874}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {geometry, model-based programming, program generation, reusable libraries, software components, theorem proving, visual programming}, } @ARTICLE{Novak09, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Computer aided software design via inference and constraint propagation", JOURNAL="Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering", VOLUME=16, NUMBER=3, YEAR=2009, PAGES="181-191", WINDEXKEY="web views reuse generic" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Novak08, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Coupling Data Understanding with Software Reuse", BOOKTITLE="2008 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI-2008)", ADDRESS="Las Vegas NV", YEAR=2008, PAGES="110-115", WINDEXKEY="web views reuse generic" } @ARTICLE{Novak97, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Software Reuse by Specialization of Generic Procedures through Views", JOURNAL="IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering", VOLUME=23, NUMBER=7, YEAR=1997, PAGES="1-17", WINDEXKEY="views reuse generic" } @ARTICLE{Novak95:views, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Creation of Views for Reuse of Software with Different Data Representations", JOURNAL="IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering", VOLUME=21, NUMBER=12, YEAR=1995, PAGES="993-1005", WINDEXKEY="views reuse generic" } @ARTICLE{Novak95:units, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Conversion of Units of Measurement", JOURNAL="IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering", VOLUME=21, NUMBER=8, YEAR=1995, PAGES="651-661", WINDEXKEY="unit conversion" } @INCOLLECTION{Novak95:diagrams, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Diagrams for Solving Physical Problems", BOOKTITLE="Diagrammatic Reasoning: Cognitive and Computational Perspectives", EDITOR="Glasgow, Janice and Narayanan, N. Hari and Chandrasekaran, B.", PUBLISHER="AAAI Press / MIT Press", ADDRESS="Boston, MA", PAGES="753-774", YEAR=1995 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Novak94:kbse, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Composing Reusable Software Components through Views", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 9th Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference (KBSE-94)", ADDRESS="Monterey, CA", MONTH="September", YEAR=1994, PAGES="39-47", WINDEXKEY="views reuse generic" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Novak94:vip, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Generating Programs from Connections of Physical Models", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 10th Conf. on Artificial Intelligence for Applications (CAIA-94)", ADDRESS="San Antonio, TX", MONTH="March", YEAR=1994, PAGES="224-230", WINDEXKEY="vip physics visual programming" } @ARTICLE{NovakBulko93, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon and Bulko, William", TITLE="Diagrams and Text as Computer Input", JOURNAL="Journal of Visual Languages and Computing", VOLUME=4, NUMBER=4, YEAR=1993, PAGES="161-175", WINDEXKEY="diagram physics problem" } @ARTICLE{Novak92:ni, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon and Hill, Fredrick and Wan, Man-Lee and Sayrs, Brian", TITLE="Negotiated Interfaces for Software Reuse", JOURNAL="IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering", VOLUME=18, NUMBER=7, YEAR=1992, PAGES="646-653", WINDEXKEY="data description negotiated interface" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Novak92:kbse, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Software Reuse through View Type Clusters", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 7th Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference (KBSE-92)", ADDRESS="McLean, VA", MONTH="September", YEAR=1992, PAGES="70-79", WINDEXKEY="views reuse generic" } @INCOLLECTION{Novak92:essay, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Artificial Intelligence", BOOKTITLE="Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology", PUBLISHER="Academic Press", ADDRESS="San Diego, CA", PAGES="160", YEAR=1992 } @ARTICLE{KookNovak91, AUTHOR="Kook, Hyung Joon and Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Representation of Models for Expert Problem Solving in Physics", JOURNAL="IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering", VOLUME=3, NUMBER=1, YEAR=1991, PAGES="48-54", WINDEXKEY="knowledge representation views physics" } @INPROCEEDINGS{NovakBulko90, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon and Bulko, William", TITLE="Understanding Natural Language", BOOKTITLE="Proc. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-90)", ADDRESS="Boston, MA", MONTH="August", YEAR=1990, PAGES="465-470", WINDEXKEY="physics problems natural language diagrams" } @ARTICLE{Novak83:glisp, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="GLISP: A Lisp-based Language with Data Abstraction", JOURNAL="A. I. Magazine", VOLUME=4, NUMBER=3, YEAR=1983, PAGES="37-47", WINDEXKEY="glisp abstract data type view generic procedure" } @ARTICLE{Novak83:sigplan, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Data Abstraction in GLISP", JOURNAL="SIGPLAN Notices", VOLUME=18, NUMBER=6, YEAR=1983, PAGES="170-177", WINDEXKEY="glisp abstract data type view generic procedure" } @ARTICLE{Novak76:isaac, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Computer Understanding of Physics Problems Stated in Natural Language", JOURNAL="American Journal of Computational Linguistics", NUMBER=53, YEAR=1976, WINDEXKEY="isaac physics problem natural language" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Novak:aaai83, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Knowledge Based Programming Using Abstract Data Types", BOOKTITLE="Proc. National Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-83)", ADDRESS="Washington, DC", MONTH="August", YEAR=1983, PAGES="288-291", WINDEXKEY="glisp abstract data type view generic procedure" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Novak:aaai82, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="GLISP: A High-Level Language for A.I. Programming", BOOKTITLE="Proc. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-82)", ADDRESS="Pittsburgh, PA", MONTH="August", YEAR=1982, PAGES="238-241", WINDEXKEY="glisp abstract data type view generic procedure" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Novak:cogsci81, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="GLISP: An Efficient, English-like Programming Language", BOOKTITLE="Proc. Third Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society", ADDRESS="Berkeley, CA", MONTH="August", YEAR=1981, WINDEXKEY="glisp abstract data type" } @INPROCEEDINGS{NovakAraya80, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon and Araya, Agustin", TITLE="Research on Expert Problem Solving in Physics", BOOKTITLE="Proc. First Annual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-80)", ADDRESS="Stanford, CA", MONTH="August", YEAR=1980, WINDEXKEY="isaac physics problem" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Novak77, AUTHOR="Novak, Gordon", TITLE="Representations of Knowledge in a Program for Solving Physics Problems", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 5th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-77)", ADDRESS="Cambridge, MA", MONTH="August", YEAR=1977, PAGES="286-291", WINDEXKEY="isaac physics problem natural language knowledge representation" }