Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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TacTex-2005: A Champion Supply Chain Management Agent

TacTex-2005: A Champion Supply Chain Management Agent.
David Pardoe and Peter Stone.
In Proceedings of the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1489–94, July 2006.
AAAI 2006


[PDF]200.7kB  [postscript]196.5kB  


Supply chains are ubiquitous in the manufacturing of many complex products. Traditionally, supply chains have been created through the interactions of human representatives of the companies involved, but advances in autonomous agent technologies have sparked an interest in automating the process. The Trading Agent Competition Supply Chain Management (TAC SCM) scenario provides a unique testbed for studying supply chain management agents. This paper introduces TacTex-2005 (the champion agent from the 2005 competition), describes its constituent intelligent components, and examines the success of the complete agent through analysis of competition results and controlled experiments.

BibTeX Entry

	author="David Pardoe and Peter Stone",
	title="{T}ac{T}ex-2005: A Champion Supply Chain Management Agent",
        booktitle="Proceedings of the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence",
                  Supply chains are ubiquitous in the manufacturing of
                  many complex products.  Traditionally, supply chains
                  have been created through the interactions of human
                  representatives of the companies involved, but
                  advances in autonomous agent technologies have
                  sparked an interest in automating the process.  The
                  Trading Agent Competition Supply Chain Management
                  (TAC SCM) scenario provides a unique testbed for
                  studying supply chain management agents.  This paper
                  introduces TacTex-2005 (the champion agent from the
                  2005 competition), describes its constituent
                  intelligent components, and examines the success of
                  the complete agent through analysis of competition
                  results and controlled experiments.
        wwwnote={<a href="">AAAI 2006</a>},

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