The University of Texas at Austin (UTA) Limited Software License
Copyright (c) 1991, The University of Texas at Austin. All rights reserved.
By using this software, you, the USER, indicate you have read,
understood, and will comply with the following:
- Nonexclusive permission to use, copy and/or modify this software
for internal, noncommercial, research purposes is granted. Any
distribution, including commercial sale, of this software, copies,
associated documentation and/or modifications is strictly prohibited
without the prior written consent of UTA. Appropriate copyright
notice shall be placed on software copies, and a full copy of this
license in associated documentation. No right is granted to use in
advertising, publicity or otherwise any trademark of UTA. Any
software and/or associated documentation identified as
``confidential'' will be protected from unauthorized use/disclosure
with the same degree of care USER regularly employs to safeguard its
own such information.
- This software is provided ``as is'', and UTA makes no
representations or warranties, express or implied, including those of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or that use of
the software, modifications, or associated documentation will not
infringe on any patents, copyrights, trademarks or other rights. UTA
shall not be held liable for any liability nor for any direct,
indirect or consequential damages with respect to any claim by USER or
any third party on account of or arising from this Agreement.
Submit software questions to:
Professor Benjamin Kuipers/
Department of Computer Sciences/
University of Texas at Austin/
Austin, Texas 78712 USA/
(512) 471-9561/
(512) 471-8885 Fax