Reports coauthored by Robert A. van de Geijn

  1. Enrique S. Quintana-Orti and Robert van de Geijn, "Parallel Solution of Selected Problems in Control Theory," PLAPACK Working Note #9, CS Technical Report 98-28, Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Dec. 1998.
  2. Xiaobai Sun, Enrique S. Quintana, Gregorio Quintana, and Robert van de Geijn, " Efficient Matrix Inversion via Gauss-Jordan Elimination and its Parallelization," PLAPACK Working Note #8, CS Technical Report 98-19, Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Sept. 1998.
  3. Almadena Chtchelkanova, Carter Edwards, John Gunnels, Greg Morrow, James Overfelt, Robert A. van de Geijn, "Towards Usable and Lean Parallel Linear Algebra Libraries," TR-96-09, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, May 1996.

  4. Almadena Chtchelkanova, John Gunnels, Greg Morrow, James Overfelt, Robert A. van de Geijn, "Parallel Implementation of BLAS: General Techniques for Level 3 BLAS," TR-95-40, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, Oct. 1995.

  5. C. Edwards, P. Geng, A. Patra, and R. van de Geijn, "Parallel Matrix Decompositions: have we been doing it all wrong?" TR-95-39, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, Oct. 1995.

  6. Brian Grayson, Ajay Shah and Robert van de Geijn "A High Performance Parallel Strassen Implementation," Department of Computer Sciences, The Unversity of Texas, TR-95-24, June 1995.

  7. Prasenjit Mitra, David Payne, Lance Shuler, Robert van de Geijn, and Jerrell Watts, "Fast Collective Communication Libraries, Please," Department of Computer Sciences, The Unversity of Texas, TR-95-22, June 1995.

  8. Robert van de Geijn and Jerrell Watts, "SUMMA: Scalable Universal Matrix Multiplication Algorithm," TR-95-13, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, April 1995. Also: LAPACK Working Note #96, May 1995.

  9. P. Geng, J. T. Oden, and R. A. van de Geijn, ``Massively Parallel Computation for Acoustical Scattering Problems using Boundary Element Methods,'' Texas Institute fo Computational And Applied Mathematics, TICAM Report 94-10, Aug. 1994.

  10. Greg Henry and Robert van de Geijn, ``Parallelizing the QR Algorithm for the Unsymmetric Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem: Myths and Reality,'' LAPACK Working Note 79, University of Tennessee, Aug. 1994.

  11. M. Barnett, D.G. Payne, R. van de Geijn and J. Watts. ``Broadcasting on Meshes with Worm-Hole Routing,'' University of Texas, Department of Computer Sciences, TR-93-24 (1993).

  12. M. Barnett, R. Littlefield, D. Payne, and R. van de Geijn, `On the Efficiency of Global Combine Algorithms for 2-D Meshes With Wormhole Routing,'' TR-93-05, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, March 1993.

  13. E. Barragy, G. F. Carey, and R. van de Geijn, ``Performance and Scalability of Finite Element Analysis for Parallel Computation,'' University of Texas, CNA Report 254, May 1992.

  14. Jack Dongarra, Robert van de Geijn, and David Walker, ``A Look at Scalable Dense Linear Algebra Libraries,'' LAPACK Working Note 43 , University of Tennessee, Technical Report CS-92-155, April 1992.

  15. M. Barnett, D. Payne, and R. van de Geijn, ``Optimal Broadcasting in Mesh-Connected Architectures,'' TR-91-38, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, Dec. 1991.

  16. Jack Dongarra and Robert van de Geijn, ``Two Dimensional Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms,'' LAPACK Working Note 37, University of Tennessee, Technical Report CS-91-138, Oct., 1991.

  17. Robert van de Geijn, ``Massively Parallel LINPACK Benchmark on the Intel Touchstone DELTA and iPSC/860 Systems: Preliminary Report,'' TR-91-28, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, Aug. 1991.

  18. Jack Dongarra and Robert van de Geijn, ``Reduction to Condensed Form on Distributed Memory Architectures,'' LAPACK Working Note 30, University of Tennessee, April, 1991, revised Oct. 1991, Technical Report CS-91-130, 1991. Also: ORNL/TM-12006.

  19. Robert van de Geijn, ``On Global Combine Operations,'' LAPACK Working Note 29, University of Tennessee, Technical Report CS-91-129, April, 1991.

  20. Robert van de Geijn, ``A Novel Storage Scheme for Parallel Jacobi Methods,'' Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas, Austin, TR-88-26, July 1988.

  21. Robert van de Geijn, ``Implementing the QR-Algorithm on an Array of Processors,'' Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, TR-1897 (1987).

  22. D. P. O'Leary, G. W. Stewart, and R. A. van de Geijn, ``DOMINO, a Message Passing Environment for Parallel Computation,'' Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, TR-1648, 1986.