Scalable Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (sB_BLAS)
Number of times this page has been accessed since Oct. 16, 1995:

- Almadena Chtchelkanova
- John Gunnels
- Greg Morrow
- James Overfelt
- Robert A. van de Geijn
- University of Texas at Austin
- Austin, TX 78712
The sB_BLAS package is a collection of parallel implementations
of the level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms. All codes
were written using MPI. To obtain the codes:
- ftp
- login as anonymous with password your-email@your-domain
- cd
- bin
- ls
- mget *.tar
- quit
Related Publications
Almadena Chtchelkanova, John Gunnels, Greg Morrow,
James Overfelt,
Robert A. van de Geijn,
"Parallel Implementation of BLAS:
General Techniques for Level 3 BLAS,"
TR-95-40, Department of Computer Sciences, University of
Texas, Oct. 1995.