MDELite is a back-to-basics approach for teaching and exploring principles of Model Driven Engineering (MDE).  Complex Eclipse MDE tools are shunned; MDELite was created to avoid Eclipse for an undergraduate software design class (as I and students had a LOT of problems using them -- problems to the point where I will never use Eclipse MDE tools again).

The ideas of MDELite are to use:

1.   Relational databases to express models and metamodels,
2.   Java streams to express and enforce metamodel constraints, and
3.   Java tools to implement M2M, M2T and T2M transformations.

Publications on MDELite can be found here.  The current downloads for MDELite are:
Prior generations of MDELite are here but are no longer supported.

Here is a recent version of MDELite documentation.  (The most recent is posted on the links above).


Aocl is an experimental Pure-Java replacement for OCL.  Its foundation is MDELite.  Publications on Aocl can be found here. The examples in the MODELSWARD 2020 paper are included in both the bin and src downloads:

Experimental code Only

