S. Dogandag, P. Ferraris and V. Lifschitz, "Almost definite causal theories," in Proc. LPNMR-7, 2004, pp. 74-86.
S. Erdogan and V. Lifschitz, "Definitions in answer set programming," in Proc. LPNMR-7, 2004, pp. 114-126.
E. Giunchiglia, J. Lee, V. Lifschitz, N. McCain and H. Turner, "Nonmonotonic causal theories," Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 153, 2004, pp. 49-104.
V. Akman, S. Erdogan, J. Lee, V. Lifschitz and H. Turner, "Representing the Zoo World and the Traffic World in the language of the Causal Calculator," Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 153, 2004, pp. 105-140.
V. Lifschitz and W. Ren, "Irrelevant actions in plan generation (extended abstract)," in Proceedings of the Ninth Ibero-American Workshops on Artificial Intelligence, 2004, pp. 71-78.
P. Ferraris and V. Lifschitz, "Weight constraints as nested expressions," Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Vol. 5, 2005, pp. 45-74.
P. Ferraris and V. Lifschitz, "Mathematical foundations of answer set programming," in We Will Show Them! Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay, Vol. 1, 2005, pp. 615-664.
J. Lee and V. Lifschitz, "A knowledge module: buying and selling", in Working Notes of the AAAI Symposium on Formalizing Background Knowledge, 2006.
S. Erdogan and V. Lifschitz, "Actions as special cases", in Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 2006.
V. Lifschitz and W. Ren, "A modular action description language", in Proceedings of the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2006.
V. Lifschitz and A. Razborov, "Why are there so many loop formulas?," ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. 7, 2006.
E. Erdem, V. Lifschitz and D. Ringe, "Temporal phylogenetic networks and logic programming," Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Vol. 6, 2006.
P. Ferraris, J. Lee and V. Lifschitz, "A generalization of the Lin-Zhao theorem", Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 47, 2006.
P. Ferraris, J. Lee and V. Lifschitz, "A new perspective on stable models", in Proceedings of IJCAI-07, 2007.
S. Erdogan, P. Ferraris, V. Lifschitz and W. Ren, "Why the monkey needs the box: a serious look at a toy domain", in Working Notes of NRAC'07, 2007.
V. Lifschitz and W. Ren, "Variables in action descriptions: merging C+ with ADL", in Working Notes of Commonsense'07, 2007.
V. Lifschitz and W. Ren, "The semantics of variables in action descriptions", in Proceedings of AAAI-07, 2007.
V. Lifschitz, D. Pearce and A. Valverde, "A characterization of strong equivalence for logic programs with variables", in Proceedings of LPNMR-07, 2007.
V. Lifschitz, L. Morgenstern and D. Plaisted, "Knowledge representation and classical logic", in Handbook of Knowledge representation, Elsevier, 2008.
J. Lee, V. Lifschitz and R. Palla, "A reductive semantics for counting and choice in answer set programming", in Proceedings of AAAI-08, 2008.
V. Lifschitz, "What is answer set programming?", in Proceedings of AAAI-08, 2008.
J. Lee, V. Lifschitz and R. Palla, " Safe formulas in the general theory of stable models (preliminary report)", in Proceedings of ICLP-08, 2008.
V. Lifschitz, " Twelve definitions of a stable model", in Proceedings of ICLP-08, 2008.
Yu. Lierler and V. Lifschitz, "Logic programs vs. first-order formulas in textual inference", unpublished draft.
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