Page of Positive Reviews
of Research in Logical AI

This Page of Positive Reviews (PPR) serves for the dissemination of information about recent research related to the logic approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI). The subject of every review is a paper, a book, or a piece of software that is related to logical AI. Each entry includes links to the information about the author(s) of the article and the author of the review in the PPR's reference section. If the article under review is accessible over the web then a link to it is included also. The reviews describe some of the reasons why the articles deserve attention; they are not meant to provide complete and balanced evaluations. This is why this page is called the Page of Positive Reviews.

The reviews are written by members of the editorial board of the PPR and by the reviewers whom the board has invited to report on relevant new developments. The reviewers are selected from among the leading researchers in the area of logical AI.

The choice of articles for the PPR is initiated by the authors of reviews and, inevitably, reflects the knowledge and interests of the PPR's reviewers. But this group will continually grow. It is hoped that eventually all important subareas of logical AI will be adequately represented.

Please send your questions and comments to the PPR's Executive Editor.

Reviews submitted in 1996

Reviews submitted in 1997