MET-Bench: Multimodal Entity Tracking for Evaluating the Limitations of Vision-Language and Reasoning Models (2025)
Entity tracking is a fundamental challenge in natural language understanding, requiring models to maintain coherent representations of entities. Previous work has benchmarked entity tracking performance in purely text-based tasks. We introduce MET-Bench, a multimodal entity tracking benchmark designed to evaluate the ability of vision-language models to track entity states across modalities. Using two structured domains, Chess and the Shell Game, we assess how effectively current models integrate textual and image-based state updates. Our findings reveal a significant performance gap between text-based and image-based tracking and that this performance gap stems from deficits in visual reasoning rather than perception. We further show that explicit text-based reasoning strategies improve performance, yet substantial limitations remain, especially in long-horizon multimodal scenarios. Our results highlight the need for improved multimodal representations and reasoning techniques to bridge the gap between textual and visual entity tracking.
PDF, Arxiv
Preprint (2025).

Vanya Cohen Ph.D. Student vanya [at] utexas edu
Raymond J. Mooney Faculty mooney [at] cs utexas edu