Extracting Gene and Protein Names from Biomedical Abstracts (2002)
Razvan Bunescu, Ruifang Ge, Raymond J. Mooney, Edward Marcotte, and Arun Kumar Ramani
Automatically extracting information from biomedical text holds the promise of easily consolidating large amounts of biological knowledge in computer accessible form. We are investigating the use of information extraction techniques for processing biomedical text. Currently, we have focused on the initial stage of identifying information on interacting proteins, specifically the problem of recognizin protein and gene names with high precision. We present preliminary results on extracting protein names from Medline abstracts.
unpublished. Unpublished Technical Note.

Razvan Bunescu Ph.D. Alumni bunescu [at] ohio edu
Ruifang Ge Ph.D. Alumni grf [at] cs utexas edu
Raymond J. Mooney Faculty mooney [at] cs utexas edu