Alexander Parks

Alexander Parks

(832) 373-7056

About Me

Hello! My name is Alex Parks and I am currently a senior student at UT-Austin double majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics.

My main academic interests include statistics, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and actuarial science. I am currently in the process of applying to M.S. Computer Science and M.S. Statistics programs for Fall 2025 admission. Additionally, I am searching for internship or research opportunities in these areas for Summer 2025. Please, feel free to check out the rest of my page and contact me via email, phone, or LinkedIn message!


Projects without a hyperlink exist in private repositories for academic integrity. If you would like to view a repository, please reach out to me via email or phone and I can make it available to you!

Evaluating Political Bias in Popular Generative LLMs

Spanish Energy Market Prediction

DietRiot Web Application

Personal Portfolio Website (The site you are currently viewing!)

Memory Management System

Huffman Encoder/Decoder


You can find a link to my most comprehensive resume here. (Suggested)

You can find a link to my one-page resume here.