Alexander Parks
(832) 373-7056
About Me
Hello! My name is Alex Parks and I am currently a senior student at UT-Austin double majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics.
My main academic interests include statistics, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and actuarial science.
I am currently in the process of applying to M.S. Computer Science and M.S. Statistics programs for Fall 2025 admission. Additionally,
I am searching for internship or research opportunities in these areas for Summer 2025. Please, feel free to check out the rest of my page
and contact me via email, phone, or LinkedIn message!
Projects without a hyperlink exist in private repositories for academic integrity. If you would like to view a repository, please reach
out to me via email or phone and I can make it available to you!
Evaluating Political Bias in Popular Generative LLMs
- Engineered a dataset of 750+ sentence prefixes by scraping news websites
- Utilized 4 GPT models from Hugging Face and OpenAI API for sentence completion
- Performed a sentiment analysis on sentence prefixes and suffixes to measure bias in model output using
Pandas and the Hugging Face sentiment metric
Spanish Energy Market Prediction
- Assembled a dataset of 80+ features by combining Spanish energy and weather datasets over a 4 year
span, using correlation analysis and Pandas for feature engineering
- Developed an ensemble of random forest, regression, and KNN models after testing the performance of
7 initial models
- Predicted the price of energy in Spain with an R-squared value of 0.933
DietRiot Web Application
- Built and deployed a React web application to provide users with bespoke recipe and diet information
- Utilized HTML, CSS, and TypeScript to create model pages and instance cards for each recipe or diet
- Constructed a RESTful API with Postman and generated 40+ unit tests for the API and web application
Personal Portfolio Website (The site you are currently viewing!)
- Designed and created a personal portfolio website using HTML for page content and CSS for styling
- Implemented HTML elements such as images, headers, and anchors
Memory Management System
- Designed and developed a dynamic storage allocator in C to mimic the malloc() and free() functions
used for memory management
- Utilized bitwise operators and linked lists to ensure efficient alignment, padding, and memory allocation
Huffman Encoder/Decoder
- Constructed a Huffman encoder/decoder in Java using lists, maps, and binary search trees
- Modified an existing text-based and graphical user interface for users to choose files to encode or decode
You can find a link to my most comprehensive resume
here. (Suggested)
You can find a link to my one-page resume