Austin Nguyen


About Me

I am a junior computer science student at the University of Texas at Austin. I have taken courses in data structures , discrete math, computer architecture, software engineering, and linear algebra. I have previous work experience at Samsung Austin Semiductor as an IT Technican. I am pursuing a role in front-end or back-end engineering.



Collatz conjecture takes a number and performs a series of arithmetic operations on number. If the number is even, divide number by 2. If number is odd, multiply by 3 and add 1. The total number of steps is the cycle length. This program determines the max cycle length between 2 integers.

Tools and languages : unittesting, python, coverage

Cheap Tickets (Current Project)

Cheap tickets is a web application that helps users find tickets in their area for cheap prices. Users are also able to view their Spotify listening stats.

Tools and languages : react, bootstrap, flask, sqlalchemy, api


Short CV