CS 384R

CS 384R (#55830), CAM 395T (#67365)

FALL 2008     TTH 9:30 – 10:45am    TAY 3.144

Geometric Modeling and Visualization


Image consists of Ribosome, Virus, Human body, Brain, NMJ(Neuromuscular junction), and Universe



Chandrajit Bajaj


ACES 2.324





Office hours

Tue 1:30 - 3:00p Wed 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm or by appt. via suzanne@ices.utexas.edu

CS384R, CAM395T Course Outline

The course will teach you the basic algorithms, techniques and tools of geometric modeling and visualization with applications in the biomedical sciences and engineering. Bio-medical modeling (or Biomodeling) and visualization has roots in medical illustration and communication for the health sciences, with branches of application to mathematical modeling and computer simulation of artificial life. In this course we shall emphasize computational image processing, computational topology, computational algebraic and differential geometry, polynomial spline approximations, computer graphics, together with aesthetic choices involved in producing effective scientific animations. The emphasis shall be on spatial realism, and the programmatic use of physiological simulation and visualization to quantitatively depict "how things work" at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ level scales.

Exercises on domain and physiological modeling and visualization at multiple scales, shall be drawn from virology (viral envelopes, capsids, proteins, nucleic acids), and neurology (brain, hippocampus, neuropil, axons, dendrites, glial cells, ion-channels, neurotransmitters), and their interactions (molecular energetics and force fields, molecular flexibility, synaptic transmission, synaptic spillover).

Lecture Topics

Models and Maps: algebraic curves, surfaces, splines, parametrization, manifolds, singularities, topology, electron microscopy, CT/MRI imaging, reconstruction.

Maps2Models: filtering, contrast enhancement, classification, symmetry detection, segmentation, skeletonization, subunit identification, clustering, matching, compression, reconstruction

Models2Analytics I: surfaces, finite element meshing, spline representations, feature identification, symmetry detection, shape segmentation, matching & complementary docking, flexibility

Models2Analytics II: bonded and non-bonded energetics, forces, torques, dynamics, cubature, discrete differential operators, integral equations, sparsifiers, preconditioners, solvers.

Analytics2Informatics/Visualization I: differential/integral/topological/combinatorial properties, active sites, pockets, tunnels, regions of interest, contour trees, comparative structural analysis.

Analytics2Informatics/Visualization II: multi-dimensional transfer functions, visible surface and volume rendering, function on surface, capturing uncertainity, VisPortal, MolSignatureDB.


You will be graded on weekly homework assignments (70%) and a final exam (30%).




August 28

Preliminaries of Multiscale geometry; Multiscale imaging; Applications from Modeling Biology Interpretive Bio-Animations

September 2

Models/Maps: Discrete and Analytic Representations of Points(P), Curves(C), Surfaces(S), Spline Models I Ganith

September 4

Models/Maps: Discrete and Analytic Representations of Points(P), Curves(C), Surfaces(S), Spline Models II Ganith

September 9,11

Generation of Curves and Surface Splines from Scattered Points I: Volumetric 3D with applications to Molecular Modeling VolRover

September 16,18

Models/Maps: Extraction of affine invariant PCS from 3D Images (Geometry Elucidation) TexMol

September 23,25

Generation of Curves and Surface Splines from Scattered Points II: Surfaces immersed in 3D with applications to Tissue (Reconstruction) Modeling VolRover

September 30

Generation of Curves and Surface Splines from Scattered Points III: Contouring Scalar Functions VolRover

October 7,9

Generation of Surface Splines from Curves I: Sweeping with Applications to Cellular Organelles, Vasculature modeling Ganith

October 14,16

Generation of Surface Splines from Curves II: Lofting with Applications in Neuronal Cell Modeling VolRover

October 9

Generation of Surface Splines from Curvilinear Complex III: Patch Fitting with Applications to Organ modeling Prism

October 14

Generation of Surface Splines from Curvilinear Complex IV: Subdivision Schemes with Applications to Cell, Organs, Vessel modeling Prism

October 16

Generation of Surface Splines from Curvilinear Complex V: Geometric Flow with Applications to Hole Filling TexMol

October 21

Generation of Skeletons from Surface Models with Applications to Secondary/Tertiary Protein Structure Elucidation TexMol

October 23

Generation of Complementary Surface Features with Applications to Shape Matching TexMol

October 28

Construction of Adaptive Grids of Volumetric Domains with Boundaries TexMol

October 30

Construction of Adaptive Triangulations of Volumetric Domains with Boundaries LBIE

November 4

Construction of Adaptive Hexahedral Decompositions of Volumetric Domains with Boundaries LBIE

November 6

Geometric Matching and Docking I: Complementary Space Docking TexMol

November 11

Geometric Matching and Docking II: Flexible Docking TexMol

November 13

Geometric Matching and Docking III: Matching Geometry with Imaging VolRover

November 18

Multiscale Function Modeling I: Molecular Energetics, Solvation, Force Fields TexMol

November 20

Multiscale Function Modeling II: Generalized Born and Poisson Boltzmann TexMol

November 11

Multiscale Function Modeling III: Random Walks, Diffusion and Drift Chemical Synapses

November 18

Multiscale Function Modeling IV: Diffusion and Reaction Chemical Kinetics, Reactive Fluids

November 20

Multiscale Function Modeling V: Branching Processes Actin Polymerization, Vascular Networks

November 25

Multiscale Function Modeling V: Branching Processes

  Actin Polymerization, Vascular Networks

Decemeber 2

Multiscale Function Modeling VI: Interfacial Dynamics Stokesian Flows, Deformable Membranes

December 4

Multiscale Function Modeling VII: Acoustic , Light, EM Scattering Helmholtz and Maxwell Equations

December 4

Multiscale Visualization, Informatics I : Model and Map Resolutions, Errors and Uncertainity VisPortal

December 6

Multiscale Visualization, Informatics II: Molecular Signature Database



Exercise 1 Algebraic Curve, Surface Splines - I Solution 1


Exercise 2 Algebraic Curve, Surface Splines - II Solution 2


Exercise 3 Algebraic Curve, Surface Splines - III Solution 3


Exercise 4 Algebraic Curve, Surface Splines - IV: Molecular Models Solution 4


Exercise 5 Finite Element Meshing - I: Linear Elemen Solution 5


Exercise 6 Finite Element Meshing II - Non-Linear Elements Solution 6


Exercise 7 Geometric Modeling and Visualization Final Solution 7

Pictures and Animations


Suggested Reading

Papers Reading List


Group Meeting Schedule