CS395T - #52425

Physically Based Geometric Modeling

Fall  2002

Computer Science Department, UT Austin.


Chandrajit Bajaj
ACES 2.324
Office hours
Tue 3:00pm - 5:00pm or by appt.

CS 395T Course Outline

This course shall dwell on appropriate computational  geometry models of  physical domains tailored to the efficiencies of  computer  modeling and simulation of  natural  and physical phenomena.

Class  shall meet on Mondays 2:00 - 5:00pm in ETC 2.132 


You will be graded on the successful completion and presentation of  an assigned project. There shall also be two reports due:

List of Lectures
September  9 Image Processing, Geometric Modeling, Simulations, and  Computational Visualization
September  16 Meshless Methods and Particle Simulations
September  23 Molecular Models and Molecular Simulations
September  30 Imaging, Reconstruction, and Filtering
October  7 Mesh Processing for Boundary and Finite Element Computations
October  14 Preparation of Case Studies
October  21 Lagrange and Hermite Interpolants, Spline Finite Elements
October  28 PDEs and Variational Methods (Notes on Rayleigh-Ritz-Galerkin)
November  4 PDEs and Variational Methods (contd) (Notes on Calculus-of-Variations)
November  11 Case Studies
November  18 Case Studies
November  25 Case Studies
December  2 Case Studies

List of Projects
1 N-body Particle systems
2 Electrostatics
3 Dynamics, Vibrations
4 Acoustics Scattering
5 Light Scattering and Radiosity
6 Electromagnetic Scattering
7 Gaseous Phenomena
8 Deformations and Elastic, Viscoelastic Bodies
9 Fracture and Brittle Solids
10 Liquids and Slow Flow
11 Turbulence

Subsequent meetings shall also include discussions of assigned projects respectively. We shall discuss algorithms, data structures and system level issues pertaining to the projects.


Spring 2002 Synthetic Environments Seminar

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