Most if not all proteins in a cell are organized into cellular
machines that are built from up to several dozens of individual
proteins. For such multi-protein complexes, electron tomographic
imaging provides the only foreseeable way to obtain 3D structural
information. All other structural techniques such as spectroscopic,
diffraction or single-particle analysis cryo-electron microscopic
techniques rely implicitly or explicitly on averaging of a large
number of identical particles. Electron tomography, in contrast,
can provide 3D structural information of such unique volumes as
whole cells. Although cellular tomographic imaging is no means
a new technique, only recently it has received more attention.
While recording devices (CCDs) are becoming larger, and data
collection becomes faster, the bottleneck in this emerging
field lies more and more on the visualization and
interpretation of the tomograms. So why are tomograms so much
harder to study and interpret? The answer may lie in the
following co-mingled reasons: First, most tomograms exhibit
a very low signal-to-noise ratio. Second, the cellular machine
does not reside in isolation but are embedded in their cellular
context, and densely surrounded by other proteins that may or
may not directly interact with the cellular machine. Third,
we don't know the exact composition and conformation of
cellular machines at the time of investigation.
The poor signal-to-noise ratio usually observed in tomograms
complicates the visualization of the volume as well as the
automated feature extraction. Hence, noise reduction is
always in demand as a pre-processing step to improve the
signal-to-noise ratio. Segmentation is often necessary to
obtain an unobstructed view into the machinery's
architectural organization, and to reduce the complexity
of the scenery to allow for biological interpretation.
Feature extraction is particularly challenging if cellular
machine of interest is in close contact to its cellular
surrounding, and if there is no preconception of its 3D
structure. In such cases, manual segmentation approaches
appear somewhat subjective and become less feasible even
with the help of 3D data re-slicing along non-orthogonal
angles to obtain a more favorable view, and sophisticated
graphics tools. Moreover, they are unlikely to keep up with
the amount of data that can be generated by modern-day
electron microscope data collection schemes. The complexity
of cellular 3D volumes requires some form of data reduction
and simplification. Skeletonization may be a way to simplify
3D data sets while retaining their characteristics, which is
also important in comparing two complexes that are similar
but not identical. Skeletons will be helpful in comparing
two such cellular machines and describing their similarities
and discrepancies.