Chandrajit Bajaj
A tetrahedral finite element mesh of a human heart model. A simple triangular surface mesh of the heart is converted into volumetric finite element tetrahedral mesh using our mesh generation method, now part of our software tool LBIE

Additional images for heart and brain modeling with tetrahedral and hexahedral meshes
Link to Movie: Heart (Movie1 ),(Movie2), Brain (Movie)



My research is currently sponsoreded by grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and include

  • NSF-DDDAS-0540063
    Dynamic Data-Driven System for Laser Treatment of Cancer

    An interdisciplinary collaboration with Prof. J.T.Oden of The Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences Prof. J.C.Browne of Computer Sciences , Prof. K.R.Diller of Biomedical Engineering , Dr. J.Hazle, MD of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, to develop a dynamic data-driven planning, control, and visualization system for laser treatment of cancer. The proposed research is to develop a dynamic data-driven planning, control, and visualization system for the laser treatment of cancer. The proposed research includes development of a family of mathematical and computational models of hio-heat transfer, tissue damage, and tumor viability, dynamic calibration, verification and validation processes based protocols using model predictions.

  • NIH-R01 GM074258-02
    Hierarchical Methods for Large Biomolecular Complexes

    To develop and implement efficient algorithms for determining structural features of macromolecules from 3D-EM (Electron Microscopy) maps at multiple resolutions, and for generating hierarchical, volumetric spline approximations of the determined structural features to facilitate fast Fourier based matching of geometry and imaging.

  • NIH-R01 GM073087-01
    A New Approach to Rapid Protein-Protein Docking

    The principal aims are to develop, implement and test novel mathematical algorithms that speed up computational protein-protein docking especially for larger problems, as well as to significantly improve the prediction of protein-protein binding. This collaborative project also has a subcontract to Dr. Art Olson and Dr. Michel Sanner at The Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, CA for testing and validation.

  • NIH-NIBIB-R01-EB4873
    Software Maintenance for Biomolecular Complexes

    This project aims are in the development and maintenance of an integrated Molecular Visualization and Processing environment (MVP) consisting of volumetric image processing, geometry processing, finite element meshing, analysis, and surface/volume rendering libraries and software tools. In particular we continue the development of a combination of image and geometry manipulations biomolecular structures and properties manipulation algorithm and data structures for increased functionality of the libraries and tools which form our MVP. We are maintaining, developing and testing three principal software tools: an interactive volumetric map exploration and processing tool (VolRover) primarily for 3D reconstructed Electron Microscopy (EM) maps, an interactive synthetic Texture Molecular visualization and processing tool (TexMol) primarily for large molecular and macromolecular structure models, and a Level Set Boundary Interior Exterior boundary/finite element Meshing tool (LBIE-Mesher) for macromolecular structures, and for aiding boundary and finite element based biophysical simulations. Several of the libraries (e.g. segmentation, contouring, volume-rendering), of our MVP are also being disseminated through the public domain and have already achieved widespread utilization by co-developers of tools for computational structural biology, and computational biophysics and biochemistry communities.

My research publications are available here, as is my Curriculum Vitae.

Complete Sponsor List