CS 354  (# 51670)
Introduction to Computer Graphics
Fall 2001 

LECTURE  Hours: M,W 9:30am-11:00 pm (UTC 1.130)

Instructor: Chandrajit Bajaj
Office: ACES 2.324A
E-mail: bajaj@cs.utexas.edu
Phone: 471-8870                                         
Office_Hours: M,W 1:30pm - 3:30 pm (or  by appointment).

All appointments can be made by emailing  Instructor's  Admin. Assist.

Instructor's Admin.Assist.: Patricia Baxter    Office: ACES 2.324
E-mail: pabaxter@ticam.utexas.edu
Phone: 471-8870

TA: Rohit Kate
E-mail: rjkate@cs.utexas.edu
Office_Hours: M 11:00 am - 12:30 pm, Th 3.00 pm - 4:30 pm Linux Basement Lab Taylor.

Course Outline

This course provides a top down and stepwise refinement introduction to computer graphics as well as lays the fundation for a graduate course in computer graphics and data visualization. There is a choice of both breadth and depth in the intertwined topics of graphic, computational geometry, geometric modeling and data visualization.


Project 4   is POSTED!
Want more graphics? Graphics Lab Want more visualization? Visualization Lab
