CS 354 (# 52580)
Introduction to Computer Graphics
Fall 2003
Lecture Hours: T, Th 11:00am-12:30 pm
(GEO 2.102)
Instructor: Chandrajit
Office: ACES 2.324A
E-mail: bajaj@cs.utexas.edu
Office Hours: T,Th 1:15pm - 2:45 pm (or by appointment).
Appointments outside of office hours should be made by emailing
Rand Martin, and use "Computer Graphics Course" in the Subject line
Administrative Associate: Rand Martin Office:
ACES 2.324
E-mail: rand@ices.utexas.edu
Phone: 471-8870
TA: Peter Djeu
E-mail: djeu@cs.utexas.edu
Office Hours: M 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm, W 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Location: Taylor Basement Computer
December 10, 2003
- The final examination is scheduled for Saturday, December 13,
from 2:00pm - 5:00pm in GEO 2.102.
- Graded Midterm exams (I and II) are available in Professor
Bajaj's office.
Check with the administrative associate, Rand Martin, when Professor
Bajaj is away from his office.
- The Practice Final with solutions has been posted under the Exams
section. The questions only cover some of the later topics in the
course, so when you review, you should also consult the Practice
Midterm and the notes and Projects throughout the course.
- A brief study guide of important topics for the Final is
available here.
- The solutions to Midterm 2 have been posted under the "Exams"
- The solutions to Project 4 have been posted under the "Projects"
November 25, 2003
- Both lectures next week (Dec 2 and Dec 4) will take place in the
ACES Graphics Lab instead of in the normal classroom. The ACES
Graphics Lab is located in ACES 2.102, which is accessible using the
double wooden doors
right across from ACES's double elevators. If you walk into ACES
from the north
and go straight ahead down the corridor, it will be the double wooden
doors on your left. There is a lock on the door, but someone
should answer if you knock.
- Because of the no-class days policy, the absolute, final deadline
for Project 4 is 11:59pm, Sat, Dec 6. This is the Saturday
right after the last day of classes. We cannot accept any
projects after this date because of the university-wide policy.
Send email to the course staff if you expect to have any problems with
this due date.
- To avoid clutter, the recent announcements for Project 4 are
available here.
November 17, 2003
- Solutions to the written parts of Projects 2 and 3 have been
posted under the Projects section.
- Two required features have been added to Project 4: a) point
light sources and b) at least two new object types in addition to
sphere. These changes have been marked with the notification ***NEW***.
- An error was discovered in the Discussion Section 4 notes.
The formula for the cross product:
A cross B = ([Ax * Bz - Az *
Bx], [Az * By - Ay * Bz], [Ax * By - Ay *
...is incorrect. The following is the corrected version:
A cross B = ([Ay * Bz - Az *
By], [Az * Bx - Ax * Bz], [Ax * By - Ay *
A new diff file (diff2.txt) has been
posted that includes this change,
along with a few other changess since the last
diff. The link to the notes
points to the most recent
version, so you do not need to apply
the diff's if you use the latest link.
November 12, 2003
- The Discussion Section 4 notes have been posted here. A few changes have been
made to the notes since the Discussion Section, and these changes are
catalogued in this diff file (the diff
file lists all lines that were changed in the HTML source for the
notes. This should give you a general idea of where the actual
changes are in the printed version).
November 8, 2003
- Discussion Section 4 will be held Wenesday, November 12, from
2:30pm - 4:00pm in Taylor 3.144. Please note that the room has
changed. To get to Taylor 3.144, go up one floor from the ground
floor of Taylor. The room is near the east end of the corridor.
- The solutions to Midterm 1 have been posted under the "Exams"
November 4, 2003
- The two polyhedra files, dragon.off and nface.off, have been
removed from Project 3. You do not have to include these files in
your program, and if your algorithm does not support them, you should
remove them from the list of files your program cycles through.
The files you still need to support are: cube,
icosahedron, and unitPyramid. If your code does handle the meshes
that were removed, you may include them for extra credit.
- Two changes were made to the Discussion Section 3 notes.
Under the section: "Overview of Implementing the Catmull-Clark Scheme",
under Step 4, a reference to "vertex rule" was replaced with "edge
rule." For the last diagram in the notes, the label "Control
point from Iteration j" in the legend was changed to "Control point
from Vertex Rule."
- After tallying the results of the Poll, we have decided that the
Final will be held as scheduled on the syllabus.
November 2, 2003
- Project 4 has been posted!
Old announcements can be found in the Announcements
Course Outline
This course provides a top down and stepwise refinement introduction to
graphics as well as lays the fundation for a graduate course in
computer graphics
and data visualization. There is a choice of both breadth and depth in
the intertwined topics of graphic, computational geometry, geometric
modeling and data visualization.
Computing Environment
Students who are registered for this class are eligible for a
tmpclass accounts on CS unix machines. You can submit a request
for an account
at this site.
This page was last
updated on December 10, 2003.