Lecture Hours: T, Th 11:00am - 12:30pm (GEO 2.102)
Chandrajit Bajaj
Office: ACES 2.324A
E-mail: bajaj@cs.utexas.edu
Office Hours: T, Th 1:30PM - 3:00PM (Appointments outside of office
hours should be made by emailing Rand Martin, and use "Computer Graphics
Course" in the Subject line )
Administrative Associate: Rand Martin Office: ACES 2.324
E-mail: rand@ices.utexas.edu
Phone: 471-8870
TA: Sangmin Park
E-mail: smpark@cs.utexas.edu
Office Hours: T, Th 3:00PM - 4:30PM
Location: Taylor Basement Computer Lab.
August 31, 2005
course provides a top down and stepwise refinement introduction to computer
graphics as well as lays the fundation for a graduate course in computer
graphics and data visualization. There is a choice of both breadth and depth in
the intertwined topics of graphics, computational geometry, geometric modeling
and data visualization.
who are registered for this class are eligible for a tmpclass accounts
on CS unix machines. You can submit a request for an account at this site.
This page was last updated on August
31, 2005.