RL-Applet is a Java applet that can interactively display reinforcement learning algorithms in action on a Java-compatible web browser.

Examples of RL-Applet can be seen in the Interactive Museum of Reinforcement Learning.

Requirements to run RL-Applet:

  1. Java-based, RL-Viz compatible environment (RL-Viz is part of RL-Library)

  2. Java-based,RL-Glue compatibleagent

Instructions to run RL-Applet with your own code:

  1. 1)Download rlapplet.jar.

  2. 2)Create a Java class that runs the desired agent and environment, like this.

  3. 3)Create a single jar file that includes rlapplet.jar and any new agent and environment classes.

  4. 4)Upload the new jar file to a server and run it as an applet. This page’s source may be useful as a starting point.

However, you might want to change the look or interactivity of the applet. In that case, here are (Eclipse-dependent) Instructions to modify and run RL-Applet source:

  1. 1) Download rl-applet-eclipse_project.zip.

  2. 2)In Eclipse, go to File->Import. Choose "Existing Projects into Workspace". Import rl-applet-eclipse_project.zip as an archive.

  3. 3)There should be a new project for rl-applet now. To add jar files for your own agents or environments, right click on the rl-applet project in the Package Explorer, choose "Properties", and click on "Java Build Path"->"Libraries". Add from this screen.

  4. 4)Otherwise, you can simply create source files in the src directory of the rl-applet project.

  5. 5)Create a Java class that runs the desired agent and environment, like this.

  6. 6)Create a run configuration to run the applet from within Eclipse (also necessary for the next step). Click "Run"->"Run Configurations". Create a new Java Applet configuration using the bar on the left. Type in the imported project's name, rl-applet, and put the full class name of the file created in step 5 (e.g., "edu.utexas.cs.tamerProject.applet.run.TetrisRandom") in the Applet field. Click "Apply" and test the configuration with "Run". You should see the RL-Applet window pop up.

  7. 7)To run on a remote browser, export the applet code as a jar. To do this, right-click on the project name ("rl-applet") and choose "Export". Then choose "Runnable Jar File", pick the launch configuration that runs the applet from within Eclipse (made in the last step of these instructions), choose an export destination, and use "Extract required libraries…" for library handling (this option makes some of the file access restrictions of applets easy to deal with).