Logistics: | Mon/Wed 12:30 - 2:00 GDC 5.302 Course web page: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~ecprice/courses/randomized/ |
Professor: | Eric Price Email: ecprice@cs.utexas.edu Office: GDC 4.510 Office Hours: 2-3pm Tuesday |
TA: | Xue Chen Email: xchen@cs.utexas.edu Office Hours: 10-11am Tuesday and 1-2pm Friday in the TA station (GDC 1.302) |
Useful References: | Similar courses are offered at MIT and Berkeley. |
Problem Sets: |
Lecture Notes: |
Content: |
This graduate course will study the use of randomness in
algorithms. Over the past thirty years, randomization has become
an increasingly important part of theoretical computer science.
The tentative outline for the course is as follows:
Prerequisites: | Mathematical maturity and comfort with undergraduate algorithms and basic probability. |
Grading: | 40%: Homework 15%: Final exam 15%: Midterm exam 20%: Scribing lectures 10%: Participation |
Scribing: | In each class, two students will be assigned to take notes. These notes should be written up in a standard LaTeX format before the next class. |
Text: | Randomized Algorithms by Motwani and Raghavan. Note that many topics covered in the course will not appear in the textbook. |
Homework policy: |
There will be a homework assignment every 1-2
weeks. Collaboration policy: You are encouraged to collaborate on homework. However, you must write up your own solutions. You should also state the names of those you collaborated with on the first page of your submission. |
Students with Disabilites: |
Any student with a documented disability (physical or cognitive) who requires academic accommodations should contact the Services for Students with Disabilities area of the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259 (voice) or 471-4641 (TTY for users who are deaf or hard of hearing) as soon as possible to request an official letter outlining authorized accommodations. |