Miscellaneous Matlab snippets
im = imread(‘im.jpg’);
impixelinfo; // see the colors and
positions on the figure itself
R = im(:,:,1);
// take out the red channel as a 2d array
G = im(:,:,2);
// same for green
B = im(:,:,3)
// for blue
grayim = rgb2gray(im); // convert from color to grayscale
imwrite(grayim, ‘gray.jpg’);
// write the image as a jpeg
newim = grayim
– 50; // take 50 off of each pixel value
impixelinfo; // we see that white pixels
become more gray
newim = grayim
+ 200; // we’ll have overflow now when we surpass 255
flipim = grayim(:,end:-1:1);
// create new image that is reversed left to right
= flipim – grayim;
= double(flipim) – double(grayim);
subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(diff);
subplot(1,2,2); imagesc(diff2);
// will be negative because we first typecast to doubles
% imagesc is a function in the tutorial that is useful to
view things that may be outside of [0,255] – it scales the data to use the full
range of values. If you call imagesc(x); on a 2d matrix x and get a colored output, you
can instead show it in grayscale (sometimes easier to interpret) by calling ‘colormap gray;’