Kristin Sheridan

Graduate student
University of Texas at Austin
Department of Computer Science
ksheridan AT utexas DOT edu
Self picture


I am currently a fourth year PhD student studying theoretical computer science at the University of Texas at Austin, where I am lucky to be advised by Prof. Shuchi Chawla. I am particularly interested in topics related to algorithms in graph theory and metric embeddings.

In the Summer of 2023, I worked at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, under the guidance of Robert Short. I was a part of the high rate delay tolerant networking (HDTN) team and worked on algorithm design for max flow over time in time-varying graphs.

Prior to attending UT, I completed my B.S. ('20) and M.Eng. ('21) in Computer Science with Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I was advised by Prof. Virginia Vassilevska Williams and Prof. Mark Bathe for my M.Eng., and my thesis was Graph factorization and pseudofactorization with applications to hypercube embeddings.

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Title Authors Venue Year
Composition of nested embeddings with an application to outlier removal Shuchi Chawla, K. Sheridan SODA ArXiv 2024
Factorization and pseudofactorization of weighted graphs K. Sheridan, Joseph Berleant, Mark Bathe, Anne Condon, Virginia Vassilevska-Williams Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics ArXiv 2023
Isometric Hamming embeddings of weighted graphs Joseph Berleant, K. Sheridan, Anne Condon, Virginia Vassilevska-Williams, Mark Bathe Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics 2023
Fully Succinct Batch Arguments for NP from Indistinguishability Obfuscation Rachit Garg, K. Sheridan, Brent Waters, David J Wu TCC 2022