Schedule for Monday, April 18
9:15am: Welcome
9:30am: Invited Talk
- Megacore Open Sourced!
David Wentzlaff (Princeton University)
10:30am: Coffee Break
11:00am: Session 1: Multicore processing
Session Chair: Chris Rossbach, VMware and UT Austin
- Operating
System Process and Thread Migration in Heterogeneous
by Rob Lyerly, Antonio Barbalace, Christopher Jelesnianski, Vincent Legout, Anthony Carno and Binoy Ravindran (Virginia Tech)
- Basslet: an OS runtime for parallel data processing
by Jana Giceva, Gerd Zellweger, Gustavo Alonso and Timothy Roscoe (ETH Zurich)
- Towards
Multi-tenant GPGPU: Event-driven Programming Model for
System-wide Scheduling on Shared GPUs
by Yusuke Suzuki (Keio University), Hiroshi Yamada (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology), Shinpei Kato (Nagoya University) and Kenji Kono (Keio University)
12:30pm: Lunch
14:00pm: Session 2: Rack-scale Computing
Session Chair: Boris Grot, University of Edinburgh
- Litmus Testing at Rack Scale
by David Cock (ETH Zurich)
- An Empirical Study on the NoC Architecture Based on Bidirectional Ring and Mesh Topologies
by Jie Yin, Ye Liu, Shinpei Kato (Nagoya University), Hiroshi Sasaki (Columbia University) and Hiroaki Takada (Nagoya University)
15:10pm: Coffee Break
15:40pm: Panel: The End of Moore's Law and its Effects
Across the System Stack
Moderator: Boris Grot, University of Edinburgh
- Paolo Costa (Microsoft Research)
- Dushyanth Narayanan (Microsoft Research)
- Timothy Roscoe (ETH Zurich)
- David Wentzlaff (Princeton University)
17pm: Close