Michelle Ding

Michelle Ding's photo
Computer Science and Mathematics Major at the University of Texas at Austin
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Austin
Email: michelle.ding01@utexas.edu

About Me

Hi! My name is Michelle, and I am a class of 2025 undergraduate studying Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin. I have been involved in various research opportunities and am fluent in Java, C++, Python, Verilog, Flask, and HTML/CSS/Javascript. I am interested in pursuing topics related to the intersection of Computer Science and Mathematics and am an active participant of the UT Competitive Programming Club and UT Math Club. Outside of school, I enjoy running, hiking, ice skating, and making art.


Gitlab Homepage
Collatz Solver: Wrote an application with a unit-testing framework centered around solving the Collatz Conjecture.
Visualizing Verilog: A team-built application designed to visualize a components of a pipelined preprocessor using Verilog circuits.

Professional Blogs


Curriculum Vitae

My Resume